Home Food Hey Pandas, How Is Your Week Going?

Hey Pandas, How Is Your Week Going?

Many of us do not have daily contact with friends or family and don’t have people who care about our day. Most people ask you, “How are you doing?” but they want you to say “good” and not share your real feelings. So this is your opportunity to share the good or bad days that happened to you this week.

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Well, it’s Monday, so it goes as Mondays often do.



i had the worst luck this weekend. on Saturday my orchestra class was performing at a festival, and guess what, we missed the exit, and there wasnt another one for 11 miles! so by the time i got there, they had already played two songs, i set up as quickly as i could, but right in the middle of my song, my music stand fell over! Sunday wasn’t as bad, but i was showing my friend my Halloween costume, and go to sit on the bed and CRACK! a part of the bed frame broke. so while moving my bed spring and mattress, we finaly found out why my mattress had a big dent in it. turns out one or two boards on the box spring cracked a while ago (maybe when we moved) so last night i “slept” on a matress on the floor, not really sleeping.



Fine, I guess. Just my usual routine.



Bad because homemecoming is next week and everyone is asking eachother. I know I’m not gonna because why would someone ask me. I just makes me sad, but I can’t blame them, I wouldn’t ask me.



it’s alright i guess haha! therapy was. interesting. but it wasn’t as bad as it normally is at least.. however i am currently mute and in a public area so that’s not super great. how was your week OP?



Not great. I just got 7 teeth pulled and I hurts like hell. The procedure didn’t hurt because I was high on laughing gas, but my gums hurt right now and I have so many holes in my mouth. I had to have two front ones pulled because turns out they were baby teeth that never got loose or fell out. I look weird and am so sore.


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