
Puppy was found in woods, tied up in drawstring bag and left for dead — now he has a happy ending

Shelter dog was was set to be euthanized — now has a new life as a fire department K9

Beloved university campus cat receives honorary degree at graduation

Hiker Stops In His Tracks When He Sees Something Shocking Hanging In The Brush

Dog Dumped In Desert Finds Construction Site — Then Begs Workers To Save Her

Dog Rescued From Flood Won’t Stop Hugging News Reporter On Live TV

14-Year-Old Dog Always Has To Do This One Thing Before Bed

Good Samaritans Walking Rural Road Stumble On A Box With 30 Babies Inside

Woman Sees Firefighters Rescue A Kitten — Then Can’t Bring Herself To Say Goodbye

Cat owner posts video of pet's strange behavior — gets a warning that has him rushing to the vet

Abandoned dog found tied to tree — dog now in good hands as owner charged with cruelty

Dog rescuer wins trust of abandoned puppy — look of love shows she's finally home

Family Discovers Why Their Deaf Dog Won't Stop Staring At This Broken Down Truck

Rescuers Spot Dog Tied To Laundry Basket — Then Notice Tiny Eyes Peeking Out Of It

Firefighter finds loyal dog in deceased woman's home — decides to adopt her himself

Man's dying wish is to find a new home for his beloved dog: "Like trying to find a home for your child"

Firefighters smash through wall to rescue trapped dog — thank you

'Fainting' Fox Found Lying By Side Of The Road Shocks Rescue Team