4 types of natural sea fish with lots of meat, few bones, and rich in nutrients
Fish is a protein-rich food, containing a lot of omega-3 which plays an important role in health. Omega-3 is a substance that the body cannot produce itself, it must be supplemented from foods in daily meals. Omega-3 plays an important role in the brain, has the effect of reducing inflammation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Nutrition experts advise people to add fish to their daily meals, should eat fish at least 2 times/week, especially fatty fish with high omega-3 content such as salmon, tuna, sardines...
According to an article in Health & Life Newspaper quoting Dr. Tran Thi Bich Nga, a nutrition expert, among fish, sea fish contain many vitamins, minerals important for the body such as vitamins A, D, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sodium, chlorine, iodine... In particular, fatty fish contain a lot of omega-3.
- Salmon
Salmon is a type of fish with a very special growth habit. They are born in freshwater but then migrate to the sea. When the spawning season comes, adult salmon swim upstream to freshwater to carry out the task of maintaining their species.
Salmon is a fatty fish that contains a lot of omega-3, which is very good for the heart. In addition, this type of fish is also high in protein, low in calories, rich in vitamin D and calcium. Salmon meat also contains a lot of magnesium, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
Wildly caught salmon often contains more omega-3 and vitamins, and less saturated fat. However, the amount of wild caught salmon is not much, so farmed salmon is more commonly used. Farmed fish still ensures a good source of nutrition, which is valuable for human health.
- Tuna
Tuna is a fairly popular type of sea fish, loved by many people, and can be processed into many attractive dishes. Tuna contains many nutrients such as vitamin B12, selenium, omega-3 which are good for health.
- Anchovies
Anchovies are small, slender fish. They live mainly in coastal areas. Although they are quite small in size, they have high nutritional value. Anchovies contain a lot of protein, minerals, vitamins A, D, and omega-3 fatty acids which are good for health.
- Herring
Herring is a fish with high nutritional value, providing a lot of protein and calcium which are good for muscles, helping to strengthen bones. In addition, this type of fish also contains a lot of omega-3, vitamin A, vitamin D which are good for resistance, enhancing overall health.
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