6 most power-hungry devices in your home: Unplug immediately if you don’t want the bill to soar

Let’s take a look at the most ‘power consuming’ devices in your home to use them scientifically and reasonably.

Electricity prices are increasing with natural energy resources being depleted, saving electricity should be in everyone’s subconscious to make our lives better and better. Let’s take a look at the most ‘power consuming’ devices in your home to use them scientifically and reasonably.

1. Refrigerator

Although the capacity of the refrigerator is not too large, it is one of the silent culprits that consumes the most electricity in your home. The reason is because they operate day and night so they consume a large amount of electricity.

A 150-liter refrigerator with a capacity of 100-150 W will consume about 4 kWh to 5 kWh of electricity per day. Refrigerators with larger capacity and size will consume about 6 kWh of electricity per day. Not to mention, in the summer, cooling will make the refrigerator work more and if you open the refrigerator many times and don’t close it quickly, your electricity bill will increase.

thiet-bi-ngon-dien-trong-nha-ban-12. Air conditioner, air conditioner

The air conditioner is not the device with the largest capacity in the family, but it consumes the largest amount of electricity because the demand is very high, especially in hot weather.

Many families have the habit of turning on the air conditioner almost all year round. On very cold days, they switch from cool mode to warm mode. To save electricity, it is necessary to periodically maintain the air conditioner and ensure good insulation for the house, set a reasonable temperature level and choose reputable manufacturers with high electricity saving index.

3. Television

Many people think that the amount of electricity for a TV is not much because its capacity is quite small. However, in reality, a 43-inch TV with a capacity of about 100W, if turned on continuously day and night, also consumes a lot of electricity. Furthermore, most families have the habit of not turning off the power supply to the TV completely, which also consumes a significant amount of energy.

4. Rice cooker

This device does not consume much electricity, but the way it is used makes it the culprit in increasing electricity bills.

Many people plug in their rice very early and leave it like that for several hours. After eating, they still have leftovers and even plug it in to keep it warm. This is a habit that wastes electricity, because a rice cooker of about 1.2 liters usually has a capacity of 350-400W. If operated for two hours, it will consume about 0.75 kWh of electricity. Therefore, it is best to cook rice at a reasonable time, the rice is both delicious and saves significant costs.

5. Water heater

thiet-bi-ngon-dien-trong-nha-ban-3The hot and cold shower is one of the electrical appliances used every day, its capacity can be said to be the largest among household electrical appliances, up to 3000W. Due to the high frequency of use, if the water heater is turned on all day, the amount of electricity consumed will increase greatly.

Hot water may not be needed in the summer, but don’t forget to turn off the switch when not in use. When you need to use it, just turn it on 30 minutes before bathing, when the temperature on the indicator light reaches the appropriate temperature, turn it off. Just such a simple action can help you save a lot of electricity.

6. Computer

Computers (both desktop and laptop) will still run in the background even if you turn it off. These devices consume about 96W per day. So every month, you will spend 3 more electricity for each computer. If you have a habit of leaving your device in “sleep” mode, this number will increase dozens of times. To save electricity, turn off the power and unplug it when you are not using the computer.

7. Devices not unplugged

Normally, I have to go to work most of the time so I’m not often at home. Meanwhile, all the electrical appliances in the house are turned off, but why is the electricity bill still so high? That is, you do not completely turn off the power source of electrical devices.

For frequently used electrical devices, we often just turn off the switch, but do not know that turning off the switch only puts the device into standby mode. If you don’t unplug it, the device will still run. From there, they will secretly take away a lot of electricity, gradually causing your electricity bill to increase. Limit this energy draw by unplugging it from the electrical outlet after use. A small habit but with a huge impact.