87Y the old man parks his car 1m49 in a 1m55 garage, impressing netizens

The way an elderly man drove his car into a very narrow garage surprised many internet users.
Recently, on a number of foreign social networking sites, a video was shared recording the scene of parking a car in a very narrow garage, surprising many people.

The original video is said to be an interview with a Belgian television station, produced in 2010. In the video, an elderly man named Eugène Breynaert describes how he regularly drives his car into a garage with very small width. Mr. Eugène was 87 years old at the time of the video recording.

Initially, he took his bicycle out of the garage to make room for his car. He introduced in the video that his car is 1m49 wide, and the garage is up to… 1m55 wide, so there is still about 6cm left over. That space will be divided equally on each side of the vehicle.

He also pasted foam on both sides of the wall to protect the car and the garage if the gas pedal was accidentally pushed out. “I had very little space left so I had to do it,” he said.

Before putting the car in, he folded the mirrors on both sides to have enough room.

His car can fold down the mirrors.

When he drove in, he looked very carefully. However, viewers of the video can see that he only aligned on the left side, perhaps because the garage is narrow, so if the left side fits, the right side will probably fit.

The car moved gently as it entered the garage

The remaining space is only about 6 cm.

What surprised many viewers was the way he got out of the car. Obviously, with such a narrow width of the garage, many people would surmise that he would get out through the trunk, or out of the sunroof. However, he still exited through the same door he entered the car.

From inside the car, he reached out and opened the door on the side of the house. He then backed up to have enough room to open the car door; He turned off the engine, got out of the car and pushed the car forward to close the car door and complete this seemingly impossible car storage.

The moment the man escaped from the cramped garage surprised many people.

Many online users left positive comments about his work. An internet user named Bryan O’Brien said: “You have to have respect for someone who thinks about things like that and takes them seriously every day. I can only imagine him going shopping.” car [and say] ‘I’m looking for a car that’s exactly 1m49 wide or less, that’s all, red is even better'”.

The old man pushed the cart in and then closed the door

The old man overcame the cramped house situation.

Some people couldn’t help but laugh at the scene where he opened the door: “The moment of opening the door was truly the best. So clever.”