91-year-old woman fell, went to the doctor to find out she was pregnant, her son cried all his tears when he knew the truth

In 2007, Mr. Lac Van Binh, more than 60 years old, brought his elderly mother to the hospital for examination, but when he heard the doctor’s conclusion, he panicked and shouted: “What? How is it possible to get pregnant? She’s 91 years old.”

At that time, Mr. Lac Van Binh took his mother, Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan, to a medical examination because the old woman had just fallen. Unexpectedly, the doctor concluded that there was a child in Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan’s belly. This sounds very absurd to a 91-year-old woman, making Mr. Lac Van Binh not believe his eyes, and thinking that the examination results are wrong. After that, the story also spread, causing the villagers to talk and gossip loudly. It was only later that the emotional truth was revealed.

It is known that Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan lives in a mountain village in Thanh Than district, Mishan city, Sichuan province, China. When she grew up, she married a man surnamed Lac, lived very hard and obediently, and was well-known in the area. After that, she also gave birth to her first son, named Lac Van Binh. Family life is difficult but very happy and peaceful.

When Hoang Nghia Quan was over 30 years old, her husband unfortunately passed away due to an accident, the already poor family became even poorer, and food and clothing were not enough. Despite this, Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan still tries to raise her children to be human, mother and daughter work hard, rely on each other, gradually life gets better. Years later, the son Lac Van Binh got married and gave birth to a child, promising to take good care of his mother until the end of his life.

Mr. Lac Van Binh is always proud when his mother is over 90 years old but still quite healthy, able to live on her own, even doing many things to help her children and grandchildren. But in 2007, Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan suddenly fell ill. At that time, the old woman went out to get water, accidentally slipped and fell. Because she did not want her children to worry, the old woman returned home without saying anything.

What Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan did not expect was that in addition to her swollen and painful legs from falling, she also felt extremely tired, had stomach ache, and even vomited. Realizing that his mother’s health was abnormal, Mr. Lac Van Binh offered to take her to the hospital for a check-up, but the old woman firmly refused, saying that she had no problem. A few days later, seeing that the situation was not good, Mr. and Mrs. Lac Van Binh decided to take the old woman to the district hospital for examination.

After hearing the description of the symptoms, the doctor felt quite confused because the symptoms seemed unrelated, so he recommended an ultrasound. The results then surprised everyone: in the abdomen of Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan, there was a fully developed child, who could clearly see both legs and arms.

Mr. Lac Van Binh could not believe that his mother was pregnant because the 91-year-old grandmother was also not related to anyone. The doctor himself was shocked by this because he had been practicing for many years and had never encountered this case. Normally, women will stop ovulating at about 50 years old, in the world there are cases of 60 years old still pregnant, but it is impossible for a 91-year-old woman to still be pregnant.

91-year-old grandmother fell, only to find out that she was pregnant amp;#34;pregnant

To verify more clearly, this doctor asked for the help of obstetricians. They performed an ultrasound again for Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan, but the results were still the same. Mr. Lac Van Binh was very upset and angry, unable to accept this fact, still thinking that the hospital misdiagnosed and brought his mother home.

However, when they got home, rumors began to spread in the village. Everyone talked about the fact that a 91-year-old woman who was usually very honest and gentle was pregnant, and did not understand what was happening, and some even mentioned spiritual issues. Lac Van Binh and his wife also find it difficult to face people when they go out on the street, so they have to take the initiative to ask about Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan. At that time, the secret that the old woman had hidden for nearly 60 years was revealed.

In 1948, the husband of Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan died, at that time her son Lac Van Binh was only 6 years old. Not long after her husband’s funeral, Hoang Nghia Quan discovered that she was pregnant. Thinking about being able to give her late husband another child, the old woman was very happy, despite her poverty, she still wanted to give birth to a child.

91-year-old woman fell, only to find out that she was pregnant amp;#34;pregnant

When she was pregnant to the last stages, Hoang Nghia Quan wanted to go to the hospital for examination, but the hospital was very far away, taking a long time, so the old woman had to take her son with her. The mother and daughter boarded a boat to cross the river, but after a while, Hoang Nghia Quan suddenly felt the fetus stop moving, intuitively telling her that something bad had happened.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor announced the bad news, the child in Hoang Nghia Quan’s belly was actually stillborn. The old woman was in inconsolable pain but did not dare to cry because she was afraid that her son would worry. After that, the doctor suggested performing surgery to remove the fetus, otherwise it would affect the mother’s life. However, the cost of surgery is 120 yuan (nearly 400 thousand VND at the current exchange rate), equal to the family’s monthly living expenses. Hoang Nghia Quan did not want his son to have nothing to eat, so he refused surgery. She kept everything a secret, so Lac Van Binh’s son did not know that his mother was pregnant.

Hearing this, Mr. Lac Van Binh was moved to tears because he was touched, but he did not expect his mother to accept to exchange her life for the meal of her son. However, he also wondered why the fetus existed in his mother’s body and she remained healthy for many years?

Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan added that after returning home, she had anticipated that she might have complications but still worked hard to raise her children. Unexpectedly, the whole year later, the old woman still did not feel anything unusual, so she thought that her husband had blessed her. Therefore, the grandmother did not go to the hospital to check again after that.

91-year-old grandmother fell, only to find out that she was pregnant amp;#34;pregnant

To find out the answer, Mr. Lac Van Binh took his mother to the hospital again. After hearing everything, the doctors conducted an examination and finally found the cause of the problem. As it turned out, the reason this pregnancy was stillborn in the past was because it was not in the uterus but in the abdomen. Over time, the fetus has calcified, turning into a rock-hard object.

The reason this pregnancy calcification does not affect the health of Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan is because when the amniotic membrane broke, the amniotic fluid and blood were all discharged. This calcified pregnancy is just like a piece of excess meat in the old woman’s body, in addition to making the abdomen bigger and compressing part of the stomach, it does not do much harm.

Mr. Lac Van Binh continued to ask the doctor whether he should surgically remove the calcified fetus in his mother’s womb. Considering the age and health status of Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan, the doctor said that the surgery would be more dangerous than leaving it in the abdomen. Therefore, Mrs. Hoang Nghia Quan continued to live with the calcified fetus for 60 years.

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