Moroccan Authorities Demolish 'Pornographic' Fish Statues After Online Backlash

A series of rather controversial fish statues are being demolished in Morocco after a pic of them did the rounds on social media.

The photo, which shows the two pink fish (that look suspiciously like giant erect penises), has become the subject of outrage as well as the butt of some serious jokes since it was posted on Facebook.

Commenters are either in a state of disdain, anger, amusement or all of the above, with many describing the effigies as ‘pornographic’.

Credit: Facebook

“People in Kenitra and Mehdia told local authorities they want reforms in the city. And authorities bring them these statues,” reads one social media post, according to Morocco World News.

Another said: “Pornographic fish. People in Kenitra requested for reforms, authorities [brought them this].”

As such, workers were sent to the installation in Mehdia, near Kenitra in west-central Morocco, on Thursday (27 September) in a bid to dismantle the fishy phallic figures.

To give you some background, the statues are located at a Mehdia roundabout, an area Moroccans associate with a popular beach alongside neighbouring Kenitra.

Since Kenitra is a city where locals have requested reforms, many social media users described its local government of erecting (pun fully intended) the phallic-looking statues as a blunder, claiming it was a waste of much-needed cash.

While the identity of the sculptor remains unknown, some residents in Mehdia reckon it was the idea of the municipal council president Abderrahim Bouras of the Istiqlal Party, who was elected in August 2019.

Whether this is true is yet to be seen, but it’s looking like we might never find out now that the unfortunate fishies are being taken down.

Credit: Facebook

Officers in the nearby metropolis were so determined to disassociate themselves from the controversy that they issued a statement to set the record straight.

“In response to the numerous complaints from residents asking for the demolition of the sculpture representing two fish and situated on one of many roundabouts within the town of Mehdia,” the City of Kenitra wrote on Facebook.

“We inform the general public opinion of Kenitra, that the town of Kenitra has no relation with this topic, and that the sculpture in query will not be situated on its territory.”

Because of the backlash and the disassociation from Kenitra, it seems Mehdia authorities have had enough of the mockery, deciding to just eradicate the fish altogether. RIP.