Lee Sun Kyun (Parasite) s.ecretly borrowed 6.5 billion from his wife and gave it to his lo.ver, p.anicking because his wife kept all the m.oney in the house

Lee Sun Kyun case (Parasites) being accused of repeatedly using drugs at the private home of a female bar manager has caused an uproar among the Asian public. Notably, the actor born in 1975 was also accused of having an affair with the above woman. During the investigation, Lee Sun Kyun confessed that her lover blackmailed her for 350 million won (equivalent to 6.5 billion VND) and tricked her into taking drugs. In the latest development, on the evening of November 7, Hankooki newspaper revealed for the first time the reaction of actor Lee when being blackmailed.

Specifically, Lee Sun Kyun fell into a state of panic because he was temporarily unable to manage the amount of nearly 7 billion VND. According to sources, although Lee Sun Kyun is paid extremely high, up to 200 million won (3.7 billion VND) for 1 TV episode. However, the actor’s wife – actress Jeon Hye Jin – is the one who holds the money in the house. As a result, Lee Sun Kyun had to quickly borrow 6.5 billion VND from a close assistant to give to his lover. Hankooki added the actor Parasites hid from his wife the story of borrowing money from the crew’s staff.

Lee Sun Kyun panicked and borrowed nearly 7 billion in cash despite pocketing tens of billions after filming a drama.

Jeon Hye Jin holds all the couple’s money and is the financial manager in the house

After reviewing the entire incident of Lee Sun Kyun being blackmailed by her lover, former reporter Lee Jin Ho made a brief comment: “After all, actress Jeon Hye Jin is the biggest victim.”

After Korean media revealed information that Jeon Hye Jin was the family’s financial manager, a statement from the actress in August 2023 was “dug up”. She admitted that her husband Lee Sun Kyun is the biggest problem in the house. From here, netizens raised the question that Jeon Hye Jin had long known that the actor named Lee was in many troubles, so he was upset and had to keep all the couple’s money herself.

The Parasite actor hid from his wife a loan of 6.5 billion to give to his lover, panicking because his wife kept all the money in the house - Photo 4.

Jeon Hye Jin has long anticipated the consequences caused by her husband, so she decided to keep all the money in the house?

After her husband’s drug scandal broke out, Jeon Hye Jin almost fainted because she couldn’t stand the huge shock. At the same time, she also had many ads removed by the brand and had to face huge compensation fines for partners. Furthermore, Korean media reported that the actress had to sell off a block of real estate for 15 billion won (279 billion VND) to take care of her husband.

Lee Sun Kyun – Jeon Hye Jin first met while still sitting in a university lecture hall. At that time, amateur Parasites fell in love with his wife, so he tried to attend the same theater group as her. Over time, they gradually developed feelings and decided to live together in 2009.

The Parasite actor hid from his wife a loan of 6.5 billion to give to his lover, panicking because his wife kept all the money in the house - Photo 5.

The two artists got married 14 years ago and were once one of the most admirable couples in Kbiz