Drivers need to acquire these two essentials right away to self-rescue in case of a dead battery, you can never be too prepared

Thanks to the battery, a car can start the engine and power lights, sound systems, and all other cabin functions. Although there are usually warning signs indicating a faulty battery, they’re not always easy to notice, especially for new drivers. In some cases, a dead battery can pose a danger to the lives of those inside the vehicle. Therefore, preparing these preventive tools is incredibly important.

Jumper Cables

The first thing you should have in this situation is a pair of jumper cables, but they’re not always readily available. Hence, it’s essential to have a dedicated jump-start battery pack of your own.

Drivers should equip their cars with two jumper cables for use in case of a vehicle power outage. (Illustrative image: Tran Hoang)

Drivers should equip their cars with two jumper cables for use in case of a vehicle power outage. (Illustrative image: Tran Hoang)

Drivers should keep two jumper cables in their vehicles for use in case of a dead battery. Jumper cables typically consist of two separate wires, where the red wire connects to the positive terminal (+), and the black wire connects to the negative terminal (-). It’s advisable to choose cables around 2 meters long with clamp ends for easy usage. Additionally, drivers should be familiar with the steps for jump-starting a battery.

Craftsman Portable Power Pack

This compact device is about the size of a lantern but packs a truly powerful energy source.

The power pack usually uses a high-capacity lithium-ion battery, similar to those used in most electric cars. It can deliver a powerful electrical shock sufficient to jump-start any conventional engine up to 8.0L in size, as well as diesel engines up to 4.5L. When fully charged, the battery holds enough power to start the engine 35 times before needing a recharge via a 12V DC or USB-C charging port.