Washing vegetables with saltwater does not effectively remove bacteria and pesticides? Knowing the answer leaves many in silence.

Washing vegetables with saltwater is a concern for many housewives; let’s hear the expert’s explanation. According to Associate Professor, Dr. Alex (Institute of Biology and Food Technology), soaking vegetables in saltwater before cooking or eating raw is just a habit passed down through generations; in reality, this practice does not kill parasites.

Soaking vegetables in saltwater only inhibits or kills bacteria to some extent, but it does not automatically eliminate harmful chemicals in vegetables.

Moreover, soaking vegetables in saltwater for too long can lead to nutrient loss, resulting in mushy vegetables that lose their flavor when cooked. The vitamin and mineral content in vegetables soaked in this way will be significantly reduced. Additionally, soaking vegetables in saltwater for an extended period can be harmful to health, as contaminants may leach back into the vegetables.

Ngâm rau củ quả với nước muối để sạch hơn chỉ là kinh nghiệm dân gian. (Ảnh minh hoạ)

Associate Professor Alex stated that there is currently no solution that completely removes pesticides and preservatives from various vegetables, tubers, and other foods. Saltwater only acts as an antibacterial agent and is ineffective in removing chemicals.

There is no scientific research confirming that saltwater can eliminate pinworm eggs, bacteria, or chemicals from fruits and vegetables, as many people think.

The expert advises that for vegetables grown on land, such as lettuce, coriander, and various herbs, it is best to wash them under running water to allow any pinworm eggs (if present) to wash away. The next step after washing is to soak the vegetables in saltwater; under the influence of saltwater, any pinworm eggs will float to the surface, and before removing the vegetables, you should submerge them, pour out the water, so the pinworm eggs will float away.

Most people, after soaking vegetables in saltwater, will directly scoop them up before pouring out the water; this way, if pinworm eggs surface, they will stick to the vegetables and can cause illness if consumed.

To achieve the best results in removing chemicals and protecting plants in various foods, according to experts, washing with clean water several times is crucial; you should wash them 4-5 times.

In addition, the washing method also plays a significant role. You should use a basin with plenty of water to easily remove sand, then rinse under running water multiple times to wash away dirt and chemicals.

You should only soak food in saltwater after washing away the soil. Afterward, the food still needs to be rinsed under clean water.