Jackie Lou Blanco admits having another relationship after Ricky Davao

Jackie Lou Blanco and Ricky Davao | Image: Instagram/@jackielou.blanco

Jackie Lou Blanco opened up about a past relationship following her separation from husband Ricky Davao, a romance that didn’t work out or last long because it was not what she said was the “right kind.”

Sitting down for Amy Austria’s vlog, Blanco revealed she found herself in a relationship with another person long after her separation from Davao, but she felt that it was the “wrong relationship,” possibly since she was not yet annulled from the actor-director. She did not name who this person she was in a relationship with.

Blanco was emotional as she narrated how she prayed hard to be extricated from this relationship. She said her prayer was delivered because she would always feel very guilty about meeting this person until she would make up excuses not to meet up with him.

“I was separated from Ricky for a long time and I was in a relationship but that relationship was not good. It was not the right kind of relationship and the Lord convicted me and that was the time that I said, ‘Lord, hindi ko talaga kaya. I can’t do it on my own. I cannot step out of this so you have to take me out of this relationship. You have to do it for me kasi hindi ko kaya,” she said.

“You know how He did it? He made me feel so guilty when I was with that person. I would feel so guilty, I would look for reasons to say, ‘I cannot meet up with you’… And you know He did. Parang nawala nalang yung communication, it just happened. Parang I woke up one day and then wala na,” she said.

Since that time, Blanco had been alone. And while other friends have told her that it’s high time that she get into another relationship since she and Davao have been separated for 15 years, Blanco said that there is “no one in [her] heart right now.”

“I know it won’t be pleasing to God. And there’s no one in my heart, truly. My prayer has been, whatever the Lord wants — whether that is to bring me back to my husband — then if it His will then bahala na sya. If it is not His will, then He will give me something that is best for me, whatever that is,” she said.

The actress further admitted that up to now she would still feel some waves of regret and shame about that previous relationship, but she also acknowledged that she is now at peace and in a better place than where she was before.

Blanco married Davao in 1989, and but reportedly separated in 2011. Last year, the actress expressed regrets over their separation, but the actor said that it was a situation that needed “acceptance and moving on.”

Davao is currently in a relationship with a non-showbiz girlfriend, with whom he said he is “super in-love.”