The Crisis That BLACKPINK’s Lisa Could Not Anticipate

The Crisis That BLACKPINK’s Lisa Could Not Anticipate

The controversial Crazy Horse show in France has unleashed complications, becoming a pivotal moment in Lisa’s career

What was meant to be a bold image change and a step outside Lisa’s comfort zone has proven to be a complex web of challenges. The repercussions are weightier than Lisa could have imagined, as her once classy image takes a hit in the eyes of the public.

The matter lies in Lisa’s desire for self-transformation, a yearning to break free from the familiar. Her performance at Crazy Horse could be a strategic move, hinting at a potential departure from the Kpop scene and a leap into the global music arena.

Rumors swirl about Lisa’s discontent with being a Kpop idol, with whispers of tempting offers from international recording labels eager to secure her talent. Yet, amidst the speculation, Lisa and YG have remained silent, leaving fans in suspense.

Adding fuel to the speculations is the update on Alice Kang’s LinkedIn profile, pointing at the end of her five-year contract with YG. Fans are left to wonder if this move hints at Lisa’s reluctance to renew her contract, and the uncertainty looms over BLACKPINK’s future.

As YG Entertainment discloses its quarterly report on November 14, negotiations for a new exclusive contract with BLACKPINK are in progress. The outcome remains a secret, adding to the anticipation surrounding Lisa’s next move.

As the sole foreign member of BLACKPINK, Lisa’s connection with audiences in her home country, Thailand, may face challenges without the Kpop idol label.

On the flip side, many fans foresee Lisa being more active in the global market, leveraging her close ties with Frédéric Arnault, heir to LVMH. This relationship is seen as a stepping stone for Lisa.

After the global tour with BLACKPINK, Lisa has not had any new music projects. Instead, discussions revolve around her willingness to undress, wear revealing outfits, and perform with stripping dancers. While some of Lisa’s fans may see her performance at Crazy Horse as art, a portion of the audience does not. They do not accept the act of undressing to showcase the female body as a form of supporting women’s rights.

“The idol industry is not meant to entertain men by exposing women’s bodies,” “Crazy Horse lectures on women’s rights, but their actions contradict their words. Lisa should take responsibility for her decision…”

Satisfying her passions, Lisa lost a lot of fans. Even in China, a market that once adored Lisa, there has been a bold move to blacklist her, as this market does not allow artists that negatively impact the youth. Lisa’s personal Weibo account have mysteriously disappeared without explanation.

The two brands that Lisa represents quickly removed any images related to her due to China’s strong stance.

The performance at Crazy Horse has altered Lisa’s image in the eyes of the audience, labeling her as a “stripper dancer.” The idol has not responded negatively to public opinion, stating that she is ready to fill in on stage if a bar needs someone.

During the Born Pink tour, Lisa often wore extremely short shorts or skirts performing bold dance moves. Her daring style received criticism, but her outfits continued to get bolder.

During that time, many fans blamed YG’s stylist for intentionally dressing the idol in revealing clothes. However, after the Crazy Horse event, no one argued that “Lisa was forced.”

Transitioning from the lively “living doll” image, fashionable with designer clothes, Lisa suddenly created a negative perception by performing in a 19+ bar. Not only criticized in China, but in Korea, netizens also felt that Lisa was tarnishing the image of K-pop idols, making the idol profession appear cheap.