Why do hotels do this?

If you pay attention when entering the restrooms of restaurants and hotels, you will see that the toilets are filled with ice cubes. What is the real use of this?
To operate restaurants, hotels, and bars, there are billions of unnamed tasks that the management team needs to grasp and take advantage of. Many tips and tricks are also passed on among service workers, such as pouring ice into the toilet in the bathroom. Surely many customers have witnessed it but do not really understand the meaning of this action?

There have been many conjectures, but this tip actually has a scientific basis. Accordingly, toilets in restaurants, bars, and hotels (public halls) are often sprinkled with ice to deodorize and unclog.

There are 4 reasons to explain the uses of ice cubes. First, ice prevents the growth of bacteria, helping to deodorize. Second, at low temperatures, chemical reactions between substances on the toilet wall will occur more slowly or not at all, thereby protecting the toilet enamel layer from stains and residue. Third, when ice melts, it will dilute the ammonia solution in urine, reducing odors when guests forget to flush (instead of evaporating, they will flow with the gradually melting ice stream). Finally, when water is splashed, the ice cubes are swept away, creating strong pressure to push downwards. If there is a blockage, it will help clear that blockage.