Woman nurses ‘baby hedgehog’ overnight only to discover it’s actually a hat bobble

Look, we’ve all been there, sometimes we see something in the distance that looks like a totally other thing.

A plastic bag at the edge of the pavement looks like a cat every now and again or maybe you think you’ve just waved at your mate but it’s someone else entirely.

But this woman went one further with her mix-up, when she spent the night nursing a ‘baby hedgehog’.

She took the presumed cute little hoglet (yes, that’s genuinely what they’re called) to the Lower Moss Nature Reserve and Wildlife Hospital in Cheshire last week.

And here, manager Janet Kotze quickly whisked the baby creature through to triage.

The little patient had been carried in a cardboard box by the woman who said she’d found it on the pavement the day before.

And the good Samaritan even lined the box with newspaper and placed a small dish of food to try and help the animal along.

But when Kotze opened the box at the hospital, she ‘couldn’t believe what she was seeing’.

As soon as she picked up the lifeless thing, she realised it was actually just the fluffy bit from the top of a hat.

And understandably, the woman who brought it in was pretty embarrassed as she said ‘you’re joking’ before leaving with the box – and hat bobble – under her arm.