Breonna Taylor’s Wrongful Death Lawsuit Is Settled, No Officers Charged

Breonna Taylor’s Wrongful Death Lawsuit Is Settled, No Officers ChargedBreonna Taylor/Facebook/GoFundMe

No officers will be charged with a crime following the settlement of Breonna Taylor’s wrongful death lawsuit.

Taylor, a 26-year-old Black emergency room technician, was shot dead on March 13 after narcotics detectives knocked down her door and shot her eight times as part of a ‘no-knock’ raid, though no drugs were found. Only one officer involved in the raid, ex-Detective Brett Hankison, has been fired.

In the fallout of her death, Taylor’s family sued the city of Louisville, Kentucky, amid calls for charges to be brought against Hankison, Sgt. John Mattingly and Detective Myles Cosgrove.

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The family’s attorney Sam Aguilar confirmed there had been a settlement in the case, with a further source claiming it to be valued in the multi-million dollar range, CNN reports.

Aguilar explained: ‘The city’s response in this case has been delayed and it’s been frustrating, but the fact that they’ve been willing to sit down and talk significant reform was a step in the right direction and hopefully a turning point.’

The settlement is expected to be officially announced by Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer later today, September 15, as part of a joint press conference with the family’s lawyers.


Just this morning, during an appearance on News Radio 840 WHAS, Fischer declined to comment on the case, saying: ‘I don’t have anything to announce on that at this time.’

The settlement is said to be the largest the city has ever paid out in relation to police misconduct, and it’ll be accompanied by a series of police reforms, MailOnline reports.

Taylor’s death is one of several that has been regularly cited during Black Lives Matter protests in recent months, alongside George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner and many more.

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The campaigning for justice around her death has been fervent and everlasting. Just last weekend, during the Tuscan Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton wore a shirt which read: ‘Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor.’

After winning the race, Hamilton told BBC Sport: ‘I’ve been wanting to bring awareness to the fact there are people being killed on the street. And someone was killed in her own house and they were in the wrong house and those guys are still walking free.’

A GoFundMe was set up to support Taylor’s family following her death. At the time of writing, it’s amassed $6,673,660.


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