Family Terrified By Ghosts Running Across Gettysburg Civil War Battlefield

Family Terrified By Ghosts Running Across Gettysburg Civil War BattlefieldNewsflare

Picture the scene: you’re driving along an empty road in the middle of the night, no one around but you and your family, when all of a sudden you spot something moving at the side of the road.

Initially, you just think it was your mind playing tricks on you because as I said, nobody other than you and your family are nearby. But then, as you look more closely, you can just about make out several white outlines. Creepy.

Now, imagine all of that happening as you were driving through an actual Civil War battle site, and you’ll know at least some of the horror 46-year-old Greg Yuelling felt when he experienced that very thing earlier this month.

Check out his recording of the incident below:

Greg, a store manager from New Jersey, was visiting the historic battle site in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with members of his family when the incident unfolded on the evening of September 2.

Travelling with his daughters and two of his uncles, Greg said they had gone to the site ‘as tourists’, adding, ‘We just went there… to learn more about the history of the Civil War and see the old battle ground, where the Gettysburg Address was given and all that stuff.’

The group got more than they bargained for, however, when they captured haunting footage that appears to show two apparitions running across the vacant and pitch-black road.

ghost spotted at war siteNewsflare

Greg explained:

We were driving along one night and we started hearing noises. I heard things to the left and my uncle heard things to the right, and there was a fog, but the fog was weird – it was only in one patch, not dispersed.

Then we saw these shapes moving in the darkness, they were the size of humans. One of them ran right through the cannon. It was weird, it was scary, it was crazy… my uncle got so scared he rolled up the window.

It was really exciting, but I also got this strange, ominous feeling – like something was telling me to go back back there. I couldn’t go to sleep but I was creeped out, so I didn’t go.

ghost seen at war siteNewsflare

The Battle of Gettysburg was fought between Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War in July 1863, and it’s estimated between 46,000 and 51,000 people died in the three-day battle.

The site has since been dubbed one of the most haunted places in America, and while Greg said he used to ‘question the validity’ of ghost-tales and was always very sceptical, he ‘believes everything now’.

I’ve got to say, I have no idea what the apparitions are, but I can tell you that if I saw them in the middle of the night at an old Civil War battlefield, I would be getting away from there as fast as humanly possible.

What do you reckon they were?

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