A former BLACKPINK member “frown” Seungri in front of thousands of audiences because he was made up about touching him

In 2019, the shocking sex scandal of Seungri and his friends caused a stir in Korean showbiz. A series of details surrounding group sex chats, sharing debauched secretly filmed clips, brokering prostitution,… all make the public panic at the crimes of so-called artists.

Also at this time, netizens reviewed a series of past details showing that Seungri had many suspicious expressions. One of them is the conversation between Seungri and BLACKPINK during the global girl group’s concert in Korea in 2018.

Clip of conversation between BLACKPINK and Seungri during the concert

Specifically, Seungri is said to have spread false rumors about Jennie, causing the BLACKPINK member to speak out in front of thousands of viewers. She was frank right at the concert: “I heard you say you touched my shoulder backstage but you never did that.”

Faced with the public “humiliation” of his juniors, the former BIGBANG member now avoided it by singing a line from the song. Solo by Jennie.

A BLACKPINK member once scolded Seungri in front of thousands of viewers because he made up a touching story - Photo 2.

Jennie “confronted” Seungri for false rumors in front of thousands of viewers

Not only that, the online community also pieced together the details to question Jisoo’s praise for Seungri. Specifically when Seungri opened his mouth “Jisoo, it’s been a while.” BLACKPINK’s oldest sister immediately replied with an unrelated question as if she wanted to avoid the conversation with Seungri: “You were really kind during the concert.”

When Seungri asked for silence, Jisoo continued: “I was very surprised, because you are so kind.”

To end this conversation, the former BIGBANG member had to end by flattering Jisoo: “Jisoo, I love you, I love you.”

A BLACKPINK member once humiliated Seungri in front of thousands of viewers because he made up a touching story - Photo 3.

Jisoo complimented Seungri for being kind during BLACKPINK’s concert

At this time, the audience is extremely interested in the close interaction between Seungri and BLACKPINK. However, when the Burning Sun scandal broke out, the former BIGBANG member’s true personality made the audience shudder. This interactive clip was once again revisited by the online community and questioned the fact that BLACKPINK knew that Seungri had a different personality, so they took the opportunity to half-joke and half-seriously, avoiding the senior from making controversial statements. before the audience.

A BLACKPINK member once humiliated Seungri in front of thousands of viewers because he made up a touching story - Photo 4.

The shocking scandal also caused netizens to turn back the famous conversation and think that BLACKPINK knows Seungri’s true personality.