A young mother drove over a million USD car to pick up her chi.ld, got “called out” in the parents’ chat group for showing off, and the mom casually responded with a remark that smelled even more like mo.ney

Young mother drove more than 1 million USD to pick up her child and was “spotted” in the parent chat group

This young mother did not expect that just because she came to pick up her child from school, she would become a reluctant “star” in the parent chat group.
Life is increasingly developing, people’s economic conditions are also improving. And this is most clearly shown through the investment that families make in their children. However, sometimes, this investment itself causes controversies about living standards and parenting methods.

A similar story recently happened at an elementary school in Zhejiang, where a young mother surnamed Tang attracted the attention of a crowd when she came to pick up her child in a Maybach worth millions of dollars.

Chiếc siêu xe đắt đỏ được cô Tằng lái đi đón con có giá lên đến gần 28 tỷ đồngAccordingly, Ms. Tang’s son’s name is Lac Lac, currently studying in grade 1 of a public elementary school. Every day, Ms. Tang’s husband is the one in charge of taking their son to school. However, on that day, Ms. Tang’s husband had an important meeting schedule, so this task fell to her.

Because she was unfamiliar with the route, Ms. Tang started very early and was at the school gate up to an hour before her son’s school ended. The Maybach car with its striking red color and luxurious design quickly became the center of attention of a crowd of other parents – those who were accustomed to transporting their children by more “common” means such as bicycles. , electric motorbike or tricycle, even walking. It is known that the value of the car is more than 8 million yuan (more than 1 million USD). The more parents came to pick up their children, the more comments about Ms. Tang’s car. Thinking that there was no need to make a big scene, Ms. Tang did not argue but quietly picked up Lac Lac’s son and drove home.

Chiếc xe cực kỳ thu hút sự chú ýBut unfortunately, that peace only lasted until Ms. Tang checked her phone and discovered that she had become an unwilling “star” in the parent chat group. Many people criticized her for “exaggerating” her luxury car. Some even suspected that Ms. Tang was just renting a car to show off. Unable to keep calm, Ms. Tang directly responded: “That is the cheapest car in my garage, is there any problem if I drive that car to pick up my child?”

Around this event, there are many mixed opinions expressed. Some people believe that using such expensive means can have a negative impact on the formation of children’s outlook on life, while others defend the view that if they have the financial ability, There is nothing inappropriate about driving a luxury car.

The foundation of this problem comes from the development of comparative psychology in children. Many children may develop an imbalanced mentality when they see their friends own more expensive things, and from there, they may feel dissatisfied and wish for better items. Sometimes, the cause also comes from low self-esteem, when children feel the need to brag to prove that they are no less than anyone else.

The effects of comparison behavior do not just stop at creating temporary stress but can also lead to the formation of negative personalities in children such as extremism, lack of self-control, and following others. others without independent thought.

In that context, the most important thing parents need to do is find a balance between meeting their children’s reasonable requests and not pampering them too much. The ultimate goal is to help children form a correct perspective on life, without being influenced by useless comparisons.

Finally, every family needs to understand that although comparison is an inevitable part of social life, controlling and guiding children to use it in a healthy way is an indispensable responsibility. of every parent. Ultimately, remember that it’s not the car you drive, but the journey you choose that determines your worth.

The same answer on social networks spread the same story.

That day, Than Than’s mother drove her car to the kindergarten to pick up her son. She did not expect that because the car was so luxurious, she would be noticed and get into trouble.

That same evening, in the chat group of the parents’ association, someone criticized Than Than’s mother by name, saying: “Driving a supercar to pick up your child from school, isn’t it because you want to show off your wealth?”.

After that, there were many comments in agreement, saying that Than Than’s mother driving a valuable supercar just to pick up her children was bad behavior, disturbing the children’s values.

Lái siêu xe đưa con đi học, mẹ bị "ném đá" và câu trả lời khiến hội phụ huynh câm nín - 1The mother who drove a supercar to pick up her child was severely criticized

As soon as she saw the criticism, Than Than’s mother responded frankly: “To be honest with everyone, I really don’t show off my wealth. This car is already the cheapest car in my family. Moreover , does what kind of car I drive matter to everyone?”.

Some parents couldn’t say anything more after reading Than Than’s mother’s message. However, some people are still stubborn, arguing that Than Than’s mother driving a supercar to pick up her child affects the shaping of the child’s material values.

After the incident spread on social networks, it quickly received everyone’s attention. Most people thought that the reaction of the parents’ association of Than Than class was too unreasonable.

In fact, children’s values depend on their parents’ perceptions and perspectives. As long as parents have the right instructions and timely advice, their children’s values ​​will certainly not be distorted.