Abandoning her daughter when she was just 3 months old, a mother returned 16 years later, demanding a bone marrow donation for her son

When her daughter was just 3 months old, this mother decided to give her up for adoption and promised never to see her again. However, only 16 years later, she broke that promise.

Chen Ling was born in Jiangsu Province, China, as the only child in her family. Her parents strongly favored boys over girls, and Chen Ling herself held these beliefs. After giving birth to her first child, a daughter, Chen Ling always hoped that the next one would be a son. However, in 1996, she gave birth to another baby girl.

Chen Ling was deeply disappointed upon seeing her second daughter, and her parents were also not pleased. They even considered abandoning the child. Eventually, Chen Ling decided to give her second daughter up for adoption when she was just 3 months old. She found Mr. Jang Jian Hong’s family, who lived 300 kilometers away. Mr. and Mrs. Jang Jian Hong were in their early 30s and relatively well-off. They had previously given birth to three children, but all had died young, and they were unable to have more children, which led them to adopt this baby girl.

After handing her daughter over to the Jang Jian Hong couple, Chen Ling declared that she would have no further involvement with the child, never seeking to reunite or communicate in any way, treating it as if the two families were complete strangers. Mr. Jang Jian Hong agreed with this promise because he wanted his adopted daughter to grow up in peace.

Upon adoption, Mr. Jang Jian Hong named the baby girl Jang Na Na and wholeheartedly cared for and loved her. Several years later, Mr. Jang Jian Hong and his wife divorced due to discord. From then on, Mr. Jang Jian Hong single-handedly raised his daughter, ensuring her life was full and fulfilling. The father and daughter were very close, going everywhere together. Jang Na Na was obedient and excelled in her studies, making Mr. Jang Jian Hong even more proud.

On the other hand, Chen Ling’s family eventually had their wish come true when they gave birth to a third child, a son. Many years later, the two families still kept their promise of no contact. However, an incident occurred that shattered everything.

Chen Ling’s son had been in poor health since birth, with a very low platelet count in his blood, requiring constant medication to maintain. The family had tried hard to protect him, but over time, the disease had progressed to his bone marrow, leaving him bedridden. Doctors said that the only chance for him to survive was a bone marrow transplant, and having a close relative as a donor would reduce the risk of complications.

Chen Ling and her husband went through tests, even trying samples from their 17-year-old eldest daughter, but unfortunately, none of them were a compatible match. Feeling hopeless and not knowing what to do, Chen Ling suddenly remembered that she had another daughter, the one she had given away 16 years ago.

Thinking about it, Chen Ling quickly got in a car to find Mr. Jang Jian Hong. This was also the first time she had looked for her daughter in 16 years.

Seeing Chen Ling, Mr. Jang Jian Hong was both angry and worried. He was angry because she had broken her promise from years ago, and he was also concerned about how their daughter would react when she found out the truth. At this moment, Chen Ling broke down in tears, kneeling in front of Mr. Jang Jian Hong, and told him about her situation. As someone who had experienced the pain of losing a child three times, Mr. Jang Jian Hong deeply understood Chen Ling’s feelings. Finally, after some contemplation, he agreed that they would ask for Jang Na Na’s opinion, with the condition that Chen Ling wouldn’t disclose anything.

Later, Jang Jian Hong talked to his daughter, Trương Na Na, explaining that there was a child in need of help. Trương Na Na was raised to be kind-hearted and was willing to help, even though she didn’t know who the child was. As a result, Trương Na Na’s bone marrow and Chen Ling’s youngest son were a compatible match.

When Chen Ling’s family showed joy and wanted to quickly arrange the bone marrow transplant, Mr. Jang Jian Hong had a change of heart. He worried that the procedure might affect his daughter’s health, and Chen Ling could unintentionally reveal their past secret.

Seeing this, Chen Ling once again went to Mr. Jang Jian Hong’s doorstep, employing emotional tactics to soften his stance. Finally, Mr. Jang Jian Hong agreed but laid out three conditions. First, since Jang Na Na was about to take her high school entrance exam, the transplant had to be done after the exam. Second, the transplant should take place at University Hospital for added peace of mind. Third, Chen Ling had to give Mr. Jang Jian Hong 500,000 RMB, which he would use for medical expenses if any issues arose. If his daughter remained healthy after 10 years, he would return the money.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ling became frustrated and disagreed with any conditions. She believed that her child’s life was the top priority, and there was no rush for the exam; it could be taken next year. Chen Ling also stated that she didn’t have that much money to give to Mr. Jang Jian Hong.

In the end, Jang Na Na successfully passed an excellent high school entrance exam, filling Mr. Jang Jian Hong with pride. As for Chen Ling’s son, he was fortunate to find a suitable bone marrow donor through the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank.