Accidentally dropping a pinch of salt into a half-empty beer can: Surprisingly, the homemaker discovers a money-saving “sweetheart”

With the following small tricks, you can conveniently manage household chores such as cleaning glass doors, wooden floors, and bathrooms without spending much.

What Can Dropping a Pinch of Salt into a Half-Empty Beer Can Do?

Aid in Cleaning Wooden Furniture

Stubborn stains on wooden floors or furniture can be quite a hassle to clean, requiring substantial effort. To deal with these difficult spots, drop a pinch of salt into half a beer or a soda can, then use a cloth dipped in this mixture to effectively wipe away all the tough stains on wooden surfaces, leaving them shiny and fresh.

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Brighten Metal Items

The nutrients in beer facilitate a shine on metal items. If beer isn’t available, carbonated drinks can also be used to effectively remove yellow stains on glassware.

This simple method involves adding a pinch of salt to a half-empty beer can or soda can. Then immerse metal items in the mixture for about 30-45 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the items with regular soap, resulting in a shiny finish due to the acidic properties in the beer or soda.

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Preserve Clothing Colors

Clothes tend to fade or age quickly with prolonged use. To prevent this, pour a bit of beer mixed with a pinch of salt onto newly acquired clothes. Soak the clothes in this solution for about an hour before regular washing, helping to maintain their original colors.

Deodorize the Refrigerator

If your fridge emits a foul odor that affects the freshness of your food, using a beer can to clean it can eliminate the unpleasant smell.

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Method: Dampen a soft cloth with beer and wipe the fridge as usual. The chemical components in beer effectively remove dirt and bacteria, eliminating unpleasant odors from the fridge.