Add a spice to your filtered water and get a natural blood sugar reducer, effectively preventing K

This is one of the healthy drinks that can be used and enjoyed, especially on cold days. Particularly, this drink provides numerous health benefits.

Ginger has a strong spicy flavor, not only used to enhance the taste of food but also considered as a precious remedy available at a very cheap price.

You can use ginger directly or brew ginger tea, both providing many health benefits. Here are some benefits of regularly drinking ginger tea:

Weight Loss Support

A 2019 study by Shiraz University (Iran) and the University of Alberta (Canada) found that using ginger significantly helps reduce body weight, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and hip ratio (HR). Ginger tea supports weight loss by enhancing fat burning, inhibiting fat absorption in digestion, and reducing appetite.

Blood Sugar Reduction

Everyday Health (USA) states that ginger has the potential to control blood sugar levels. Researchers concluded that ginger could inhibit enzymes that affect carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity. This leads to increased glucose absorption in tissues. According to the same researchers, ginger might reduce the risk of diabetes complications by reducing lipid levels.

Therefore, moderate consumption of ginger or ginger tea can positively contribute to diabetes management. Consuming up to 4g of ginger per day can reduce blood sugar levels and regulate insulin production. Regular ginger intake over at least 6 weeks can yield positive results in diabetes management.

Digestive Support

In the digestive system, ginger tea plays a crucial role, indirectly improving food absorption and preventing stomach discomfort. Ginger tea helps prevent bloating and enhances your appetite by neutralizing gastric acids. Daily ginger tea intake can improve metabolic processes and ensure intestinal balance.

Moreover, some colon diseases can be treated with regular ginger tea consumption.

Cancer Prevention

Ginger possesses anti-cancer properties and can inhibit the development of certain cancer cells, thanks to gingerol, various antioxidant compounds, and anti-inflammatory properties. There is evidence indicating these compounds can help reduce the risk of esophageal, pancreatic, and liver cancers.

Research also suggests that ginger has anti-cancer properties. People at high risk of colon cancer after consuming 2g of ginger per day for 28 days had less colon mucosa transformation into cancer.

Enhanced Cardiovascular Health

One benefit of ginger tea is lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels, both contributing factors to heart disease.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger also reduces the risk of arterial plaque, arterial narrowing, and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Stress Reduction

Drinking a cup of ginger tea can improve mood, making you feel more cheerful and calm. This is a stress-relieving remedy proven by its relaxing aroma.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Ginger can be used to treat joint inflammation like osteoarthritis. It helps relieve fatigue, swelling, and fluid retention in painful muscles and joints. Ginger tea is recommended for cases of athlete’s foot to prevent pain, burning, and itching sensations.

Cough and Cold Relief

If you often suffer from coughs and runny noses, you can drink a cup of ginger tea. It helps break up mucus and improves respiratory function. It also warms your body and makes you feel refreshed.