Aging gracefully at 100, veteran model Carmen Dell’Orefice reveals four secrets to longevity and “graceful aging”

At age 93, iconic supermodel Carmen Dell’Orefice continues to defy aging.

A woman dubbed the “world’s oldest model” has revealed the secrets that mean she looks 59 despite being 93. That is supermodel Carmen Dell’Orefice. Known for her timeless beauty and graceful presence on the runway, Ms. Carmen Dell’Orefice confidently affirms: Over 90 years old, but looks as young as 59. Her radiant appearance and zest for life Carmen has captivated the world, leaving many wondering about her secret to health and longevity.

In this article, let’s learn Carmen Dell’Orefice’s “secret” to aging so gracefully.

Carmen Dell’Orefice’s ageless beauty is often attributed to a combination of factors, from diligent skin care, maintaining a balanced diet, diligent exercise to having a positive outlook on life. love and life.

1. Skin care method of Ms. Carmen Dell’Orefice
Carmen Dell’Orefice’s ageless beauty is often attributed to her diligent skin care routine. Her skin care routine includes the following steps:

Mrs. Carmen Dell’Orefice when she was young.

– Clean your face twice a day, in the morning and at night with facial cleanser to remove impurities.

– To keep her skin moist and supple, Carmen applies a hydrating serum or facial oil followed by a moisturizer.

– Mrs. Carmen never forgets to use sunscreen to protect her skin from harmful UV rays. She applies broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF before going out, even on cloudy days.

– Carmen exfoliates her skin once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover.

– To keep the delicate skin around the eyes looking youthful, Carmen uses eye cream to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Người mẫu già Carmen Dell'Orefice: U100 nhưng trẻ như 59 tuổi, tiết lộ 4 bí mật về tuổi thọ và "lão hóa duyên dáng" - Ảnh 3.Carmen Dell’Orefice’s ageless beauty is often attributed to a combination of factors.

2. Maintain a balanced diet
Carmen believes that maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is key to overall health and youthful appearance. Her dietary habits include:

Whole Foods: Ms. Carmen focuses on consuming a variety of whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. These provide essential nutrients to the body and support overall health.

Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods into your diet, including berries, leafy greens and other colorful fruits and vegetables. These foods help fight oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.

– Staying hydrated is important for overall health and skin. She makes sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Người mẫu già nhất thế giới U100 nhưng trẻ như 59 tuổi tiết lộ 4 bí mật về sức khỏe và tuổi thọ - Ảnh 4.3. Carmen Dell’Orefice’s daily exercise routine
Ms. Carmen believes that being active helps maintain both physical and mental health. Her fitness routine includes:

– Cardiovascular exercise: Carmen performs regular cardiovascular exercises, such as walking, swimming or cycling. These exercises help improve her cardiovascular health, stamina, and overall fitness.

– Strength training: Strength training exercises are performed by Ms. Carmen to maintain muscle tone and strength. These exercises may include using resistance bands, weights, or body weight exercises.

– Flexibility and balance training exercises: To enhance flexibility and balance, Carmen practices yoga or Pilates. These exercises help improve posture, mobility, and overall body alignment.

Người mẫu già nhất thế giới U100 nhưng trẻ như 59 tuổi tiết lộ 4 bí mật về sức khỏe và tuổi thọ - Ảnh 5.Ms. Carmen believes that being active helps maintain both physical and mental health.

Ms. Carmen Dell’Orefice especially attaches importance to breathing exercises. She incorporates breathing exercises into her daily routine to find moments of relaxation, reduce stress, and maintain overall health. A simple breathing exercise she practices regularly is diaphragmatic breathing – focusing on inhaling deeply through the nose, pushing the belly up and exhaling completely through the mouth.

4. Have a positive outlook on life and love
Mrs. Carmen believes that maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life and love is an essential part of happiness. She emphasized the importance of open communication, mutual respect and understanding in a relationship. She encourages nurturing emotional connection, maintaining intimacy, and embracing the joy that love brings.

Ms. Carmen also believes that a loving, fulfilling relationship contributes to a positive outlook on life and enhances a person’s overall quality of life.

With a career spanning more than seven decades, Ms. Carmen Dell’Orefice has experienced ups and downs in life and career. And now, even at the age of 100, she continues to shine with passion and optimism.

Người mẫu già nhất thế giới U100 nhưng trẻ như 59 tuổi tiết lộ 4 bí mật về sức khỏe và tuổi thọ - Ảnh 6.Ms. Carmen also believes that a loving, fulfilling relationship contributes to a positive outlook on life.

Born June 3, 1931, in New York City, United States. Ms. Carmen Dell’Orefice entered the modeling industry at a very young age at the age of 15. Having gone through two marriages and facing financial difficulties, Ms. Carmen did not give up and continued to strive to achieve success. to success when she returned to modeling in 1978 – at the age of 47. In just a few years, she appeared on the covers of fashion magazines again.
She became a symbol of integrity and strength in adult women, adding to the diversity and distinction in the modeling industry. Carmen has worked with many famous photographers and designers, leaving a deep impression.

“Whether we are men or women, we all need to know how to take care of and love ourselves. Take care of yourself, love yourself and give yourself positive energy,” she shared in a recent interview.

Người mẫu già nhất thế giới U100 nhưng trẻ như 59 tuổi tiết lộ 4 bí mật về sức khỏe và tuổi thọ - Ảnh 8.Model Carmen Dell’Orefice in a recent photo set.

In her late years, Ms. Carmen still maintains a balanced appearance and has become a fashion icon, an inspiration for many people around the world.

“It’s not just her face, even her posture and movements are so youthful. It’s unbelievable!”, “Carmen is the embodiment of grace, beauty and sophistication. What’s not to love?”… That’s what fans share about Carmen Dell’Orefice.