Alleged Testimonies from Song Ha-yoon’s Schoolmates Emerged after School Violence Accusation

Testimonies from people who claimed to be schoolmates with Song Ha-yoon, who is accused of school violence, have drawn attention.

On the 1st of April, JTBC’s “Crime Chief” addressed the allegations of school violence made against actress S, who has been actively playing a villain role in a recent popular K-drama.

Based on the mosaiced image used by “Crime Chief” and information mentioned in the program, netizens speculated that actress S is Song Ha-yoon.

So far, Song Ha-yoon’s agency stated that they recognized the seriousness of the matter and contacted the informant to verify the facts, requesting a meeting for accurate fact-checking. However, the informant declined, and despite their attempts to call, no response was received.

Furthermore, the agency mentioned that after verifying with Song Ha-yoon, they believe that there is no connection between the informant and the actress, and that all the allegations are false.

However, testimonies from netizens claiming to be Song Ha-yoon’s schoolmates continue to surface online, though the authenticity of these claims remains unconfirmed.

Nevertheless, even before the controversy erupted, traces of posts claiming to be testimonies from Song Ha-yoon’s classmates have been discovered, drawing attention from netizens.

Particularly, a netizen’s comment regarding Song Ha-yoon’s appearance on an entertainment program posted on the online community “MLBPARK” in June 2018, six years ago, is belatedly being re-examined. Here, a netizen claiming to be a classmate left a comment, stating, “We were high school classmates, but she was in a gang. She was forced to transfer schools after bullying one of her friends and betting them up. Her personality is different from her appearance”.

Additionally, in 2021, an article including Song Ha-yoon’s graduation photo was published on the Korean forum FMKorea, accusing the actress of being in a gang.

However, on April 1, 2024, a post on forum 82 cook described Song Ha-yoon as “nice” when she was in elementary school.

Also on the same day, another article was posted on the forum MLBPARK, urging others to just check why Song Ha-yoon was forced to transfer schools.

Meanwhile, on the 2nd of April, several netizens claiming to be former classmates left comments on a post regarding the statement from Song Ha-yoon’s agency on the online community “theqoo”.

One netizen commented, “It’s obvious even without confirmation. My best friend was also bullied by Song Ha-yoon. I always knew something would eventually come out about her character… Oh, Song Ha-yoon, your true colors will be revealed. It gave me chills when he pretended to be nice on TV shows.”

Another netizen claimed, “I’m a classmate from Banpo High, in the same grade as her. I don’t know about the informant, but she (Song Ha-yoon) was definitely forced to transfer from Banpo High to Goojeong High. I just smile at the official position.”

Another also mentioned the forced transfer, recalling that there was a gang of girls in school who hanged out together, but were torn apart because of their involvement in a fight. “However, the inside story has not been revealed in detail even to the students who are not involved, but I don’t know whether it was a gang fight or one-sided violence”, they also added.

Yet, another netizen stated, “I’m a classmate from Banpo, we attended the same high school, and she was a playful kid back then and also quite cute. I heard rumors about her transferring because he became a celebrity… It’s fascinating because back then she wasn’t involved in any gangs or fights. She was really small and skinny, making that hard to imagine. What on earth happened when she transferred?”

However, some cautioned against hastily believing unconfirmed suspicions. Among the comments, some netizens said, “When there were controversies about male idols and school violence, there were so many testimonies from classmates. But after clarifications, all those classmates disappeared. It makes you wonder if they were really classmates. After seeing similar incidents repeat several times, it seems better to just observe until solid facts come out”.