Diego Loyzaga all.egedly k.icked out his child and baby mama for another girl

Diego Loyzaga allegedly kicked out his child and baby mama for another girl • PhilSTAR Life

Alexis Suapengco, who revealed herself as the mother of Diego Loyzaga’s baby, has allegedly been kicked out from the actor’s home along with their child so another woman could “come over.”

Suapengco, a yoga and preschool teacher, shared a series of Instagram Stories about how she was kicked out by the actor.

“So my baby daddy @diegoloyzaga decided to kick me out and his baby out of his house so this girl can come over,” she wrote, sharing the Instagram profile of one Cecile Mendoza.

“@diegoloyzaga said if I don’t take down the post, he won’t provide for my daughter daw. ok boy bye,” she said.

Loyzaga has yet to respond to the issue but a series of what appears to be now-deleted Instagram stories about the incident from the actor has also surfaced.

The actor shared now-taken-down screenshots of his conversation with Suapengco, wherein he claimed he never said he wouldn’t provide.

“I never said I wouldn’t provide?? Why would you say that in your post?!?” he said in the message. “You lying to everyone!!!”

“Again, not denying anything else, but my baby will be taken care of definitely,” he wrote in another story.

The only story that can be viewed from Loyzaga’s profile, as of writing, is an album art of Ty Thom’s Trouble in Paradise. 

“😪,” he captioned.

In June 2023, Loyzaga revealed that he became a father but didn’t share other details about who the mother is.