Dispatch Reveals All.ega.tions Of “Uncanny Counter 2” And “The Glory” Star Kim Hieora’s School Vio.le.nce And Bu.lly.ing Past

Dispatch đã tiết lộ nữ diễn viên Kim Hieora, người gần đây nhất đóng vai chính trong ‘ Uncanny Counter 2′  và  The Glory , từng là kẻ bắt nạt và bạo lực học đường trong quá khứ.

Kim Hieora ở trường cấp hai.

Trong một báo cáo độc quyền, Dispatch đã trình bày chi tiết về quá khứ bạo lực và bắt nạt học đường của Kim Hieora khi cô còn là học sinh cấp hai. Việc bắt nạt bắt đầu khi cô đang theo học tại trường trung học nữ sinh Sangji ở quận Wonju, tỉnh Gangwon. Học sinh “X” giơ tay trong giờ học xin đi vệ sinh. Trên thực tế, đó chỉ là một cái cớ và thay vào đó, học sinh đó đã hướng đến một phòng học trống. Lớp học vắng tanh khi học sinh ra ngoài tham gia lớp Thể dục. Và học sinh đó đã lấy trộm đồ của lớp đó.

Trường trung học nữ sinh Sangji

Học sinh thừa nhận trộm đồ của người khác là học sinh lớp 8. Nhưng cô ấy đã giải thích lý do tại sao cô ấy phạm tội.

“Tôi làm vậy vì chị gái [Kim Hieora] bảo tôi làm vậy. Chị ấy muốn trả viện phí cho mẹ mình.”— Học sinh “X”, lớp 8

Sau tiết lộ này của học sinh “A”, Kim Hieora, lúc đó là học sinh lớp 9, cũng bị gọi vào văn phòng để thẩm vấn. Cô phủ nhận mọi sự liên quan.

“Chuyện này không liên quan gì đến tôi.” — Kim Hiora

Tuy nhiên, Dispatch đã tiết lộ rằng Kim Hieora là thành viên của một băng nhóm bắt nạt khét tiếng ở trường trung học nữ sinh Sangji có tên là Big Sangji. Big Sangji nổi tiếng với việc tống tiền các học sinh khác, hành hung thể xác và lăng mạ bằng lời nói.

Một bài đăng được đăng trên diễn đàn trực tuyến của Big Sangji tại trường, cho thấy các thành viên. Kim Hieora không bị che khuất, thứ 4 từ phải sang.

Dispatch received a report in May 2023 about Kim Hieora’s school violence accusations. The informant stated they never thought they would hear cursing from a Big Sangji bully on television. Dispatch met with 10 former students from Sangji Girls’ High School between May and June. Dispatch was also able to get Kim Hieora’s personal statement regarding the situation. The following is Dispatch’s report on the entire situation.

A member of Big Sangji

Big Sangji is the school group of bullies at Sangji Girls’ High School. Their main method of bullying was extortion. They would use the money they get from others for their personal entertainment.

“There was a group called Big Sangji at the school. They extorted money from others and gave it to the oldest members of the group. If you didn’t have money, they would curse at you and hit you. Kim Hieora was also part of Big Sangji” — Former student “B”

Kim Hieora was definitely a part of Big Sangji. She even left comments on their group message board. Dispatch was able to obtain screenshots of her messages.

  • December 1, 2003 – This punk lol, tried to mess with us but never came in the end lol -_- Come often you punk lol
  • March 7, 2004 – That’s what I said! lol [redacted] haha can’t go to church. . I love you lol, you’re pretty! If I’m lying, I’ll go to hell. This pretty unnie will go to karaoke with you! Will you bring the money? I’ll see you later. [Redacted] is actually quite pretty.
  • July 6, 2004 – [redacted] >.< have fun! Don’t just promote out there. [redacted]’s face is like a zombie
  • August 13, 2004 – Oh……. [redacted]….. why did you cry — seems like they hate people lol. Is this a joke lol. They’ll die I see them.
  • August 17, 2004 – Oh lol. [redacted] would be good! Hey! You! Who! On 2-2 day (a day where couples celebrate their 22nd day together) uses an excuse of foreign money to not meet up? [redacted] is so angry he downed two bottles of alcohol!!

Kim Hieora personally acknowledged she was a part of Big Sangji, but countered a few points made by the informants.

“Yes. I wasn’t a model student when I was in middle school. I did mess around. But Big Sangji wasn’t a group of bullies.”

“At the time, it was popular to have an online community with your friends. Big Sangji was the name of the online community. It was not a secret place for only bullies.”— Kim Hieora

Another former student “C” countered Kim Hieora’s statement, claiming that anyone could apply to join, but not everyone would actually be accepted into their group.

“The online community was for the bullies only.”

“All of a sudden, they would ask us for money. With that money, they would go buy cigarettes, alcohol, and go to karaoke. They would buy presents for their boyfriends using that money. If you didn’t give it to them, they would continue to harass you…” — Former student “C”

Kim Hieora also responded to these claims.

“It’s true I gathered with the Big Sangji friends. I also was hit by the older students at the school for no reason. But I did not hit the younger students or my friends.”

“The 9th graders would suddenly request 100,000 won from us. We had no time, so we collected 50,000 won from us 8th graders and 50,000 won from the 7th graders.”

“I do admit I was a spectator to these things, and I am sorry.”

“But I did not participate in verbal abuse or assault. Why did my name come out in this? Was I next to you at that time? Was I passing by you? I never took the lead on this…”

“Maybe I didn’t take it seriously because it was the younger students who were being bullied. Thinking back on that, it was a big mistake for me to be a bystander.” — Kim Hieora

Theft alongside another student

It was the first semester of 2004. Kim Hieora was in 9th grade and student “X” involved in the theft of personal items was in 8th grade. At that time, Kim Hieora’s father’s business failed, sending the family into bankruptcy. She worked hard to try to earn some pocket money, working at a Korean fast-food store.

Kim Hieora in middle school.

Kim Hieora told two students about this situation, “X” and “Y”. “X” and “Y” were famous within Sangji Girls’ Middle School, and this friendship played an important role in the theft. Dispatch was able to talk with “X” regarding the theft incident.

“I asked Kim Hieora why she was working part-time. She said her family went bankrupt and was in financial trouble. I wanted to help her so…I stole things on my own. I wanted to look good in front of her.” — Former Student “X”

“X” also wrote in their apology and reflection letter that they stole things in order to help Kim Hieora financially. The teacher didn’t believe her though, and punished both “X” and Kim Hieora.

Kim Hieora was able to clearly remember the incident and explained what happened to Dispatch.

“She was a friend who followed me a lot. I think she heard of my family’s situaiton and tried to help me out. I did not tell her to do it, but no one believed me.” — Kim Hieora

Both “X” and Kim Hieora were given community service as punishment. They were sent to separate places for two weeks to reflect.

“I was shocked while doing the community service. How was I living that no one would believe me… I realized that I was living without instilling trust in others.” — Kim Hieora

Following this, Kim Hieora wanted to work to improve herself. She studied hard in the second semester of 9th grade, with the goal of studying humanities in high school. She ended up attending Bukwon Girls’ High School while “X” ended up moving to a different area, but the rumors and label of being a thief kept following “X” wherever she went.

“I lived my life and worked hard to become a better person. But someone else lived in pain. It breaks my heart thinking of them.” — Kim Hieora

Each Person’s Memories Are Different

One informant regarding Kim Hieora claimed she made her get cigarettes. Another informant claimed Kim Hieora would take money from her to go to karaoke. But Kim Hieora’s claims are different.

“I never directly participated in the bullying. Yes, there was corporal punishment back then. I was called to the teacher’s office and was hit. When I was asked who made you do it, I was scolded even more for asking how someone could ask their class senior about it.”

“I’ve also never smoked. Actually, I’ve tried to make my image look strong. But my body just doesn’t accept cigarettes. Besides, my boyfriend at the time hated girls who smoked.”

“I liked to sing at karaoke. I went to karaoke often. There were time when my friends paid for it. I don’t remember how we got the money. However, I have never taken money from others for the fees.” — Kim Hieora

Once Kim Hieora made her appearance in The Glory, several members from Big Sangji who were still in contact talked about Kim Hieora’s image on the show.

Học sinh 1: Cô ấy học cách chửi bới khi xem phim của Ryu Seung Beom phải không?

Học sinh 2: Cái gì cười lớn, cô ấy vẫn hệt như hồi cấp hai

Học sinh 3: Việc Kim Hieora là diễn viên có hợp lý không?

Học sinh 4: Gần đây bạo lực học đường trở nên nghiêm trọng

Học sinh 5: Kim Hieora đã tìm được nhân vật của đời mình haha

Học sinh 6: Đó chỉ là diễn như ngoài đời thôi

Học sinh 7: Cả khuôn mặt lẫn cách nói chuyện của cô ấy đều giống nhau.

Việc đưa tin về quá khứ của Kim Hieora của Dispatch đã kết thúc vào tháng 6 năm 2023. Kim Hieora lo lắng rằng điều này sẽ ảnh hưởng đến Uncanny Counter 2 vì nó đang chuẩn bị phát sóng. Đó là lý do vì sao Dispatch đợi đến tập cuối cùng mới chia sẻ báo cáo của mình.