Drink a bit of this water before getting on the train: No matter how severe the motion sickness is, it is instantly effective

Preventing motion sickness is an issue that many people are concerned about when they have to travel long distances. There are many tips to help women effectively escape motion sickness.
Choose a front seat
Facing forward and keeping your head steady is also a good way to reduce motion sickness. Many people who suffer from motion sickness often choose a position next to the driver’s seat, which is a place with less vibration than positions in the middle or back of the car.

If you go on a boat, you should sit on the deck, behind the hull, away from the smell of gasoline. You should look far away, not into the water or at the bow of the ship.

Drink ginger water
Ginger water is a medicine to treat nausea, it is very helpful for people with motion sickness. You should drink some ginger water about 30 minutes before departure.

You can also use ginger candy but they are not as effective as ginger juice.

How to effectively prevent motion sickness with chrysanthemum tea
Chamomile is an herb that helps soothe the stomach, reduce acidity and relax abdominal muscles. You can steep chamomile tea before starting your trip and then keep it in a bottle to take with you.

Press acupressure points
An acupuncture point along the wrist called nei-kuan (nei quan acupuncture point) can help you quickly reduce motion sickness. This point helps reduce unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, stomachache, headache, chest pain, etc.

To find the nei-kuan point, place three fingers of your right hand (index, middle, and ring finger) on top of your left wrist, starting below the crease. The nei-kuan point will be located under the index finger. If you feel 2 large tendons under your fingers, you have found the right acupuncture point location. You hold and press this point for 4 – 5 seconds.

Licorice root lozenges

Licorice root is used to soothe the pain of stomach ulcers, stimulate stomach acid, and aid digestion. Lozenges from this medicinal herb can also help prevent nausea and vomiting.

However, you should only supplement this type of licorice according to the instructions on the package or according to the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Betel leaves will have the effect of warming the navel area. If you hold 1-2 leaves in your hand and smell them occasionally, they will “overshadow” the smell of gasoline, and block the wind, making you less tired and motion sick.

About 15 minutes before boarding the train, you use about 3-4 betel leaves (the betel leaves that old people eat), use your hands to tear the betel leaves into a few pieces, and crush them slightly.

You put these betel leaves on the navel, use a cloth, a handkerchief, and then use tape or a towel to tie the betel leaves in place in the navel area.

Citrus Peel
About 1 hour before getting on the bus, take a peeled tangerine, fold it in half, place it between your nostrils and squeeze it with your hand to release the essential oils with fragrance. You can inhale 10 times like that. You can do the same while sitting in the car at any time.

Bring hot, crispy bread with you when you travel by train. If you feel symptoms of being sick, smell that piece of bread, it will definitely help.

Bread also helps you fight motion sickness effectively when you eat it to reduce the feeling of motion sickness because when you eat bread, the pancreas will secrete trypsin. This enzyme metabolizes with amino acids in bread to calm the nerves.

Don’t think that vinegar is only used to prepare dishes. Vinegar has many uses, including being used to prevent motion sickness.

Before getting in the car, you can drink a glass of warm water mixed with vinegar. By doing so, you can prevent motion sickness.

Effective ways to help prevent motion sickness without using medication
If you have motion sickness and don’t want to use medication, try one of the methods below.

Pepper: In a cup of lemon juice, add a little pepper powder and drink this drink about 30 minutes before getting in the car. This mixture will help prevent headaches or dizziness associated with motion sickness.

Mint tea: Before you start your journey, enjoy a cup of mint tea or chew the leaves. This will effectively prevent nausea and dizziness.

Ginger tea: Ginger tea is a good remedy to help prevent nausea while traveling by car. In addition, it also promotes digestion.

Cinnamon: Boil water, then add a spoonful of cinnamon powder and a spoonful of honey to drink. It can effectively reduce the symptoms of motion sickness.

Cloves: If you get motion sickness when traveling by car, chew a clove when you get in the car or dip a clove in a spoonful of honey before chewing it. This can help relieve your nausea.

Onion juice: This is also one of the ways to help you avoid nausea and dizziness when sitting on the train. Drink a glass of onion juice before you go.