Drinking energy drinks daily, the man lost half of his head and almost didn’t have the strength to meet his firstborn child

In a now-deleted Facebook post, a woman penned down a shocking story of her
husband suffering from a brain hemorrhage and losing half of his skull after he
regularly consumed energy drinks while working long hours. Read on to know
about Brianna and Austin’s ordeal and the horrifying side effects of these

Brianna, who did not reveal her last name, wrote on Facebook that her husband
Austin excessively drank energy drinks after working long hours, according to
AOL. She said when he suffered a serious medical complication, the doctors
diagnosed it as a side effect of energy drinks.

Brianna wrote that her husband had suffered a brain hemorrhage after getting
the toxicology screen report.

“He went into surgery, and following this were strokes, seizures, swelling, and
more things we weren’t prepared for. There was a moment, sitting by his hospital
bed, just praying he would be okay, that I knew I would never give up on him. No
matter how messy our life would become. I was going to be by his side through
all of it,” she wrote.

Picture from the now-deleted Facebook Post

The New York Post reported that doctors removed part of Austin’s skull during his

“I prepare the meals, do physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational
therapy. I help him with personal hygiene. I help him walk. I help him with every
aspect of his life,” the post read.

How energy drinks are dangerous for you?

Even though energy drinks are a popular beverage, research says that they may
negatively affect your health. A few possible side effects areIncreases blood pressure
Being an important measure of heart health, blood pressure needs to be stable
and under control.

Studies1show that drinking a can of energy drinks increases blood pressure and
heart rate levels within 90 minutes and up to 24 hours after consumption.
Excess intake in younger people has been linked to abnormal heart rhythm, heart
attack, and even death.

Increases the risk of diabetes
Energy drinks are loaded with sugar and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes2.
Studies say drinking 1–2 servings is associated with at least 26 per cent risk.

Affects kidney
Chronic and excessive intake of energy drinks seriously affects the kidneys3.
Can lead to caffeine overdose and toxicit

According to experts, even though safe doses of caffeine4vary by individual,
research recommends limiting caffeine to 400 mg per day or less. However, most
energy drinks are over 75 mg in a single can. And drinking more than 5 cans per
day could increase your risk of caffeine overdose.

Damages your teeth
According to research, energy drinks are acidic and can damage tooth enamel,
which is the hard outer coating that helps protect your teeth against decay.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general
information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical
advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness
programme or making any changes to your diet