Enlarge 400 times the famous ‘Mona Lisa’ painting, the expert discovered 3 hidden secrets

With his talent for painting and his dedication to the field of science, Leonardo da Vinci has always been called by modern scholars the nickname “the most perfect representative of the Renaissance”, the only almighty person. unmatched in human history.

Enlarge 400 times the famous 'Mona Lisa' painting, the expert discovered 3 hidden secrets

Among the masterpieces that the Italian artist created, “Mona Lisa” can be considered as one of his most popular works and until now, it is still a priceless masterpiece.

Not only famous for her painting technique, the smile of the Mona Lisa in the painting has also become the object of study by many experts because of its mystery. In the eyes of scholars, Mona Lisa’s smile contains 83% happiness, 9% disgust, 6% fear and 2% anger.

But in addition to its mystery, after using high technology to magnify the painting 400 times, researchers have also discovered three secrets that have been hidden in the painting for many years.

The first is the secret hidden in the background of the picture. If we only look with the naked eye, we can only see the mountains and rivers behind the Mona Lisa. But after zooming in, the researchers think they have discovered the shapes of four hidden animals: ape, lion, buffalo and snake. An artist named Ron Picinello speculated that the four animals hidden in the painting symbolize envy and evil. At the same time, Mona Lisa’s curved right hand implies a disregard for good over evil.

The second mystery discovered after zooming in on the painting was the hidden face of a woman behind the Mona Lisa’s face. Because it is located in a special position and surrounded by colors, this detail is difficult to recognize. The researchers say that, compared to the Mona Lisa, this face is overall very small. After comparison, it was determined that this woman is actually most likely Da Vinci’s mother, because she looks a lot like Da Vinci.

Zooming in 400 times the famous Mona Lisa painting, experts discovered 3 hidden secrets that no one knew - Photo 3.
The painting reveals the secret when magnified 400 times

Regarding the third secret, the Mona Lisa can be seen in the picture without eyebrows and eyelashes. When the painting was enlarged several times, it was discovered that there were two letters in the Mona Lisa’s right eye, possibly LV, believed to be two initials of Leonardo da Vinci’s name.

After these 3 secrets were released, a lot of debates related to the picture broke out. These theories have contributed to the picture receiving more attention from the public. However, the only person who can test these theories is Leonardo da Vinci.