Ex-lovers hugged each other and sobbed in the middle of a class meeting, friends broke down

On May 25, a netizen in Henan (China) shared online a video that touched many people. During the class meeting, a man hugged a woman, tears welling up in his eyes Sohu upload.

An insider revealed that the two used to be lovers and were also college classmates. The two have not seen each other for 10 years.

The heroine in the video shares, she is the only child in the family. After graduating from university, she stayed in her hometown to work as a teacher.

Ex-lovers hugged each other and sobbed in the middle of a class meeting, friends broke

The two met again on the day of the class reunion.

The boyfriend for love has chosen to give up a good job to go to the town where she works. He applied for a job as a security guard for a company in town to be near his girlfriend. I personally think that any job is not important, just being with the person you love is enough.

However, the boy’s family firmly objected. They thought that he had chosen to work as a security guard for many years as a myth. Even so, the young man remained steadfast in his choice.

The thought that everything would go smoothly until the day the girlfriend’s family discovered their love story. The girl’s family resolutely forbade their daughter, not accepting that the daughter fell in love with a guard.

Parents use every argument to convince their daughter. They think you’re living a rosy life. The current life cannot only have love, but it needs a job, a good income, and a good future.

Ex-lovers hugged each other and sobbed in the middle of a class meeting, friends broke

Unable to move her daughter, her parents decided to find someone to imitate her handwriting to write a love letter to the other boy. In the letter, she expressed the boy’s work was not worthy of her. That with him, she would not have a good future. Her parents set her up with someone else.

After reading the letter, recognizing his girlfriend’s handwriting, the boyfriend was desperate and immediately left town. Because he was so sad, he deleted all contact information with his girlfriend. The woman said that after her boyfriend left, she was very confused. She constantly searched for the cause and tried every way to contact her boyfriend but couldn’t.

When she went to her boyfriend’s house, his parents were very angry. They claim that she is the cause of hindering their son’s future. The boy’s parents ask her to give up this love.

“At that time, I had a feeling that the sky was about to fall. Love that seemed to be irreversible turned out to be nothing. I did not dare to believe in the so-called true love in this world anymore. When I returned , I didn’t go to work, didn’t eat, lost weight continuously for several days,” the woman said.

Seeing her daughter suffering, her parents felt very regretful. They had to tell their daughter the whole truth. When she knew everything, she suffered even more because she always blamed her boyfriend. It’s just that, in that moment, she couldn’t find him again. His family also did not want her to be with him, so she had no hope.

The online community hopes that the love story will be reunited after 10 years of separation.

Later, the parents introduced a few people to their daughter, but she was not interested. In the blink of an eye, 10 years have passed. During that time she still longed for her ex-boyfriend.

“I only hope to see him once again. Even though he has a wife and children now, and a happy family, I also look forward to seeing him,” the woman said.

Coincidentally, the 10th anniversary class reunion brought the two together.

The woman said, on the day of the class reunion, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She caught a glimpse of her ex-boyfriend. He is fatter, more mature. As soon as the two saw each other, they were stunned, speechless.

The boyfriend came over and asked: “How are you, the kids are all grown up?”

“I’m still single, don’t have any kids yet. How about you?”, the woman asked

“I’m still waiting for someone in my heart,” the man replied.

At that time, both were very surprised, speechless. They hugged each other and cried, still unable to believe that each other was still waiting for them.

The story, after being shared on social networks, received many comments from the online community. Everyone was sobbing with the beautiful love story of the couple.

“A beautiful love story. Let’s pray for them to get back together, live in love and happiness that they’ve been waiting for for the past 10 years,” one person commented.