Find the mistake in the picture

Welcome to the “Find the Mistake in the Picture” game! In this interactive challenge, you’ll be presented with various images, each containing a hidden mistake or error. Your task is to carefully examine each picture and identify the mistake as quickly as possible. This game is not only fun and engaging but also a great way to test your attention to detail and observation skills. Get ready to sharpen your senses and enjoy the thrill of spotting the errors!

Now look at the picture to find the mistake!

Once you found out, you will be very angry!

Có thể là hình ảnh về văn bản cho biết 'Find the only mistake in the painting that makes you angry when you see it Pepper Salt'The answer is the dough they’re kneeding that has to be something pumpkin pie or anything to be baked has salt and pepper i guess ? i think that’s the mistake in it .. the salt and pepper.