Georgia Man Paid $80K for Painful Limb Lengthening Surgery After Crush Rejected Him: ‘Feel Like a New Man’

After his crush thought he was too short at 5’5”, Dynzell Sigers, 27, underwent a painful limb lengthening surgery on his legs, relearning how to walk in order to grow to 6 feet tall

Georgia Navy vet, 27, spends $81,000 on limb-lengthening surgery after being rejected by women for being too short - with painful op boosting his height from 5'5 to 6' Dynzell Sigers, 27, was previously 5ft 5in and now he is 6ft tall post-surgery

A Georgia native is feeling “like a new man” after spending more than $80,000 on a limb lengthening surgery in order to become half a foot taller.

Dynzell Sigers — a 27-year-old former Navy medic from Atlanta — opened up on social media about undergoing the procedure in December 2022 because he was rejected by women for being too short at 5’5″.

“I was always a very shy and reserved child and was always afraid to be myself for fear of being judged or not accepted,” he told “And in my teens, I was once rejected by a girl I had a huge crush on and although she found me attractive, her reasoning was that I was too short and too young for her.”

“I clung to that and always considered my height before approaching women, which often caused me to miss out on opportunities,” Sigers recalled. “I’ve looked for many different ways to get taller over the years, but there were never any realistic options. I found out about limb lengthening and booked my appointment right away.”

Limb lengthening surgery is a treatment that increases the length of a bone in a patient’s arm or leg while also stretching the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Georgia Navy vet, 27, spends $81,000 on limb-lengthening surgery after being rejected by women for being too short - with painful op boosting his height from 5'5 to 6' Dynzell Sigers, 27, was previously 5ft 5in and now he is 6ft tall post-surgery

During a limb lengthening surgery, doctors cut the bone into two segments and attach a limb lengthening device — external fixator or internal rod — to the two segments of the bone, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The two ends of the bone are gradually separated, stimulating new bone to grow and fill in the gap created, which typically takes up to two months.

Patients who undergo limb lengthening surgery on their legs will be unable to walk right away and will require physical and occupational therapy. Full recovery can take up to a year.

Sigers traveled to Live Life Taller — a hospital and rehabilitation center in Istanbul, Turkey — for the cosmetic procedure. He explained that his surgeons can only achieve 3-4 inches of growth in the limb lengthening surgery so he went through the process twice, paying $40,000 each and having to relearn how to walk after both procedures.

Sigers now stands at 6 feet tall, documenting the gradual growth throughout his recovery on TikTok. In several videos, he’s seen going through intense physical therapy to rebuild his leg muscles and improve mobility.

He explained that the pain during his recovery was “pretty intense but bearable.”

“Bones don’t have paint receptors so none but the surrounding tissue muscles and ligaments are killing me,” Sigers wrote on the social media outlet. Pleased with the results and showing off before and after photos, he admitted he’s not even worried about any possible long term effects, telling a follower that he’ll “cross that bridge when we get there.”

Georgia Man Gets $81,000 Leg-Lengthening Procedure After Crush Rejected Him for Being Too Short

“All my life I struggled with viewing myself as a small person and no matter what I did to change it I always felt the same,” Sigers told The New York Post. “Limb lengthening gave me the opportunity to change my life and the way I perceive life as a whole. I have no regrets and decided to share my journey with the world to let other men who feel the same know that there is another option for them.”

“I’ve also been able to garner much more attention from women and I have no reservations about approaching them,” he told NeedToKnow. “I feel like a new man and as though I was able to get a second chance at life.”