Ghostbusters Named As Bill Murray’s Greatest Movie

Today, September 21, is the legendary Bill Murray’s birthday.

This can mean only one thing: we’ve been on an unwavering mission to find out what exactly his greatest film of all time is. To do so, we decided to enlist the help of our loyal followers, asking you to vote for your favourite Bill Murray movie via a series of Twitter polls. Because what better way is there to celebrate the actor turning the big 7-0? Exactly.

From Groundhog Day to Lost in Translation, Caddyshack to Zombieland, there were some seriously strong contenders in there – and you guys didn’t disappoint. But before we get to the final results, let’s see how the drama unfolded shall we?

Round one kicked off by pitting a Christmas classic against a spooky phenomenon, with Scrooged and Ghostbusters competing for first place. What About Bob? and Charlie’s Angels were also contenders, but let’s face it neither of those really stood a chance against the other two.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ghostbusters soared into first place with an overwhelming 79% of the vote, while Scrooged came a not-very-close second with 10.7% of the vote – a disappointing score for an iconic film, in my opinion, but who am I to argue with our dedicated Bill Murray fanbase?

Onto the second round, and this time we asked you to choose between Caddyshack, Garfield: The Movie, Zombieland and The Life Aquatic.

Now, if you’ll recall, there’s only one film out of those four where Murray doesn’t play a starring role, so you might be surprised to find out that film actually came out on top.

That’s right, despite the actor only making a cameo appearance in Zombieland, the movie ultimately won this round with 40% of the overall vote. Caddyshack came a close second with 32%, followed by Garfield with 23.5%.

Round three also had a clear winner, after we presented you with four different options to choose from: Groundhog Day, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Space Jam and Rushmore.

This time, Groundhog Day amassed an impressive 57% of the vote, while Space Jam took a third of the vote (34%), leaving the other two out in the cold. Sorry, guys.

Of course, we couldn’t forget Lost in Translation, and it seems you lot couldn’t either, with round four seeing the romantic comedy-drama soar to first place with 42% of the vote.

Although Kingpin followed closely behind, the other two contenders quickly fell behind and effectively dropped out of the competition: only 10% of voters chose The Royal Tenenbaums, while just 12% of you chose Stripes.

A fair assessment, I think we can all agree:

The final round took each previous winner to see which Bill Murray movie was the ultimate winner, and let’s face it, the end results were exactly what we were all expecting.

With 43% of the vote, Ghostbusters once more nabbed the win, proving all you really need to capture audiences is an Ectomobile and a few stray supernatural beings hanging around. Oh, who am I kidding? We all know the iconic film deserves all of your votes and more.

Perhaps his most popular role, Dr Peter Venkman was clearly his most iconic, with the actor’s sarcasm and wit shining through in a way that would define the rest of his comedic career.

So, there you have it. Chosen by you lovely lot, Ghostbusters is, without any semblance of doubt, Murray’s greatest film.

Happy birthday, Bill.

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