Grandad Loses Leg And Almost Dies After Slipping On Tomato From Sandwich

A grandad has told how his life has been turned upside down since he lost his leg in a freak accident after slipping on a slice of tomato that was in a sandwich he was eating.

Malcolm White, from Redburn in Bonhill, Scotland, fractured his toe after tripping on the contents of a sandwich he was eating in July.

Malcolm and his wife Yvonne. Credit: MEDIA SCOTLAND

Blood clots developed in his left leg following the fall, with medics warning him he could die without amputation.

Life has changed completely for retired social worker Malcolm, 65, and wife Yvonne, 53, who have nine children and 18 grandchildren between them.

They are now embroiled in a battle with West Dunbartonshire Council and are calling on the local authority to adapt their two-storey council house or rehome them as they are completely confined to one room with Yvonne caring for him.

Malcolm said: “It was a freak accident and we laugh about it as it’s so ridiculous but there are also days where I feel really down. All of this because of a bit of tomato falling out a sandwich. Our lives have been completely turned upside down.”

The couple are trying to get rehomed. Credit: MEDIA SCOTLAND

He added: “I’ve been home now for almost eight weeks and we live in our living room as I can’t get up the stairs where the bedroom or bathroom is. It’s where we sleep and eat. I haven’t even been able to have a shower and Yvonne has to bed wash me every day.

“I can’t get out the house as I have steps at the front and back so I’m completely confined. Yvonne has health difficulties, including chronic arthiritis so there’s no way she can get me down the steps.

“I’ve been in my garden once since this happened and that was when my neighbour helped me out. I was sat there crying wondering when I was going to see it again and feel the fresh air on my face.”

Malcolm said he has been told the council is planning to move the couple into a new-build bungalow but he has no idea when that will be.

He said they would prefer to stay in their own home and have it adapted but that the council has said that’s not possible.

Malcolm before the accident. Credit: MEDIA SCOTLAND

The beginning of Malcolm’s nightmare began on July 11 after a fall led to a catastrophic chain of events which could have killed him.

He explained: “It was when we had the really warm weather and we were sat out in the garden. Yvonne asked if I wanted anything to eat and I said yes, I would have a salad and cold meat sandwich.

“She made it and for some reason I ended up walking back into the house holding the sandwich and a bit of tomato fell out and I slipped on it and hit my toe off the skirting board.

“I managed to get back up and sat in the garden and that’s when I noticed my toe was really black. I actually thought paint had rubbed off on it from the garden furniture so I tried to wash it off.”

Malcolm went to the Vale of Leven Hospital and had his foot x-rayed, which is when he found out he had fractured it.

Vale of Leven Hospital. Credit: PA

He continued: “They told me to come back on the Monday and get it checked because of the colour of it but Yvonne was really worried as it started spreading up my foot and called the doctor out over the weekend.

“The next thing I remember is waking up in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital after four days in intensive care.”

Malcolm was told doctors had discovered blood clots in his leg which had cut off the circulation leading to his skin turning black. Doctors performed surgery to remove the clots but this was unsuccessful.

Malcolm continued: “When I came round I was confused and didn’t know why I was there. The surgeon said to me ‘look at your foot’. He said ‘if you keep your foot you’ll die’ so I had no other option but to agree to get it amputated from the knee.”


A council spokeswoman said: “We are sorry this tenant is unhappy and continue to provide support and assistance to him.

“Our occupational health team conducted a comprehensive assessment of Mr White’s needs and although his current property is not adaptable to meet his medical requirements, we are working hard to provide an alternative property that does, while considering the type and location he has requested.

“We will continue to liaise with Mr White until a property that meets his current and future requirements becomes available in the area he has specified.”