Have s** 28 times a day? The tr.agic situation of the rich woman changing 14 husbands in 2 years is expo.sed

Have sex 28 times a day?The tragic situation of the rich woman changing 14 husbands in 2 years is exposed

Lina (left) conquered her husband and asked for 28 intercourse overnight. (Photo/Review TV station)

The 61-year-old Thai rich woman Leena (Leena Jungjanya) runs a cosmetics business. She has multiple marriages. Two years ago, she opened her marriage and sought her ninth husband. She asked for “28 intercourse per day”. Her style is full of controversy. In the past few years, she has changed to the fourteenth husband in a row, but she did not expect her marriage to remain unprotected, and she went on TV to show her bleak life.

The last one was the singer’s 14th husband “Tee Gia” two years ago. Although he did not have the handsome appearance of Lena’s ex-husbands, but he possessed 30 centimeters of arrogance, he had no choice but to steal a Mercedes Benz and communicate with Lena. After completely tearing her face apart, Lena became discouraged by her marriage. She went on TV and said that because of the epidemic, the cosmetics business and real estate profits have shrunk, and her boyfriend just wants to dig money from her to let her see the warmth of love.