Home Food Hey Panda, When Your Extended Family Gets Together, What’s Something That Always...

Hey Panda, When Your Extended Family Gets Together, What’s Something That Always Happens?

This summer, I saw both sides of my family and noticed something that always happens with each side…

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my mom and ads side of the family are very different, with my moms side of the family, when we get together its usually for a wedding or thanksgiving and its always a bunch of my distant cousins who I’ve never seen before but knew my mom so i’m ALWAYS bombarded with “you look so much like your mother”
my dads family on the other hand, when we get together its because we hadn’t seen each other in a while. and instead of distant cousins, its my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. no matter what happens you can count on at least on night of a full game of Mexican train, and my dad and uncle playing on there guitars. (you can also alway count on there being one or to rounds of “American Pie)



My extended family is pretty normal. We just sit at the table, talk, and try to be polite.



Talks. About. Religion. We never fight about it, but we always try to prove whose right and whose wrong.



Talking about politics, every single time


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