Home Food Hey Pandas, Type “Can I” And Let Autofill Do The Rest

Hey Pandas, Type “Can I” And Let Autofill Do The Rest

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Can I come get it or you have the chicken salad chicken chicken nuggets and pies and a cup of coffee for me tomorrow and then I’ll head back up to my place to go get my dog pig and chicken salad chicken chicken nuggets and pies and a cup for dinner and a cup for the next door and the next one for me and then I’ll get the cookies and pies and a cup for cup and cup for the cup of cookies.



Can I help you kids with the same flickering energy that circles her hands? (I’m a fantasy writer so I mean the last part kind of makes sense. I use it sometimes.)

Can I come next time and just go straight to lights out?

Can I get up and walk back to the living room?



Can I get to know you better?

Can I come in the castle?



“Can i please stop to get a milk tea for my dog and then I will have to make a salad for him??!!”