Home Food Hey Pandas, What Are Some Great Pranks To Pull?

Hey Pandas, What Are Some Great Pranks To Pull?

I want to cause chaos to my family.

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Oooh I got some good ones

1. Clear plastic wrap under the toilet seat
2. replace the ice in the ice maker (if you have one) with something else
3. Send them on a wild goose chase to nowhere (put written clues around the house in a certain order and have the final one be something dumb)
4. Firecrackers under the toilet seat or mattress or whatnot
5. If you have the chance, change their own name on their phone to something dumb
6. Another phone one, rename their SO/Crush’s contact name to their parents name and vice versa.



1. Firecrackers/noisemakers under the mattress/toilet seat
2. rename theirr SO/Crush’s name on their phone to their parents name and vice versa
3. Send them on a goose chase to nowhere (put up little paper clues to where to go next and have the last one be some dumb joke that wasn’t worth their time.
4. Clear plastic wrap under the toilet seat
5. Unscrew the toothpaste cap, put clear tape over it so when they try to squeeze it nothing happens. Or it explodes.


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