Home Food Hey Pandas, What Do You Hate The Most?

Hey Pandas, What Do You Hate The Most?

Rant about it.

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As someone in the lgbtqiap+ community, it really annoys me whenever someone….
1. Uses the wrong pronouns on purpose. It’s 2021 why are we still here.
2. Says we are the lgbt, lgbtq, lgbtqia, or lgbtiap community. The + is there for a reason.
3. Says there are 2 genders, and that they are biological sex. It’s disrespectful to intersex people to say that their bio sex is invalid, plus gender isn’t bio sex. Enbys, genderfluid, genderqueer, those are all valid genders that aren’t boy/girl
4. Says that bi is the same as pan BECAUSE there are 2 genders. Again, there are more.
5. Is homophobic and invades lgbtqiap+ spaces. Stop going out of your way to make us mad.

Sorry for the long submission.



This might seem really trivial but this really irks me. How lucky some people are in life. I know there is the whole “luck is when preparation meets opportunity” but sometimes that’s just BS. Lol. I’ve got friends and relatives that are just plain and simple, lucky. I’d try and try and try and do everything I can and not get what I want and they’ll just have some random events hand it to them. Don’t even mention the things that they get away with that I’d always get in trouble for if I ever thought of doing it.
It has been over 30 years and it just really annoys me every single time. (Thanks for the chance to rant).


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