Home Food Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Scar You Have And How Did...

Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Scar You Have And How Did You Get It?

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I have a scar from my lip to my nose because I was born with a cleft lip.
I also have a “Harry Potter scar” on my forehead from playing catch and hitting my head on a door knob.
I have, like, 10 scars on my body, so I have tons of stories to tell.



It’s not really weird, but I have a scar down my whole back and a few next to it from my spine surgery (scoliosis.)
I didn’t put any creams on it or try to minimize it, because it reminds me of the hell I had to go through, all that pain, and experience.



I have a very small scar on the bridge of my nose, apparently, as a kid, I was bit by a dog but I don’t remember any of it.



i have a scar from cutting a bread bun in half…
i missed



My dog accidentally bit me (got in a fight with another dog – out of reflex, even though I knew better,I went in between to break up the fight)
The scar left on my arm is the precise shape of a hearth- people think I got this done by a professional 😉



I have one on my left thigh, in the shape of a Y. It’s from my cat who decided I am a perfect launching pad to go onto the freezer


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