Home Food Hey Pandas, What´s A Real Story You Never Tell, Since Everyone Would...

Hey Pandas, What´s A Real Story You Never Tell, Since Everyone Would Think You Made It Up?

As a writer, I know that some things that really happened to me … would be completely unbelievable in a novel. What´s your story?

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How we decided where to live after graduation: We had a map of our entire country and a wind-up toy car that we let drive over the map on the floor. When it stopped, we drew a line around the car and in the middle of the area was a medium-sized city – in which we have now been living happily for 25 years.



1. I was boating on a lake and it’s pretty sunny outside. But as I’m riding along I see a shiny silver thing. It wasn’t a plane and it wasn’t a helicopter since it didn’t make noise. UFO!!!

2. Boating again, but we were anchored this time. I was eating Goldfish and accidentally dropped one into the water. A huge fish swam up and ate the damn thing!!

3. Just recently, I was in a Target parking lot and I saw a grown-ass man carrying a full-size mannequin on his shoulders as if it was a damn child. I hope he didn’t go into Target with that on his shoulders.

Only in Michigan, y’all.



There was this one time when I was 15 and I was walking to the park which was a block or two away from our house. Well I had almost got to the park, this guy who was probably like in his late 20’s or his 30’s started following me. I had reached the park, he was still following me, then he suddenly stopped, started dancing, then turned and left. That was the weirdest thing ever and I didn’t tell my parents or anyone because I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t believe me that that had happened.


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