Home Food Hey Pandas, What’s A Weird Thing You’ve Kept A Secret About That...

Hey Pandas, What’s A Weird Thing You’ve Kept A Secret About That You Should Have Told Everyone About, But You Didn’t?

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Not weird but I should tell my extended family how verbally abusive my father is. They know that he has a temper but not how much. And they always wonder why I don’t stay at their home if I visit. I told my uncle about it last month and it felt really good.



When I was 18 my friend and I decided to take my car on a spontaneous trip to NYC (3 hour ride each way) . We drove there walked around for a bit then started to drive home. Halfway through the ride home I started to get tired. My friend didn’t have her license even though she knew how to drive.. She just hadn’t gotten it yet. Anyway… She offered to drive the rest of the way home. About 30 minutes from home she was driving and was in the fast lane on 95 N. She went to light a cigarette and somehow the car drifted into the median and rolled a few times before Ending up on its side in the fast lane on the other side. Miraculously… I was uninjured despite not having my seat belt on. She had a bruised wrist but no other injuries. Anyway… Because she would’ve been arrested for driving without a license and insurance reasons we said I was driving and my chihuahua jumped in my lap. (Oh yeah my dog was with us). Anyway there’s about 2-3 people other than me and her that know she was the one driving. I’m 40 now.


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