Home Food Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You...

Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?

What’s something you did that others would have thought to be easy but to you is a big accomplishment?

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Most people take that skill for granted. I learned it at 23 but I never had a car until this year so I completely forgot how to drive. Not only I needed to learn all over but since them my confidence has disappeared so I am now extremely afraid of driving.

I used to have small panic attacks while driving in half empty streets and need to stop. Then I learned to be at 20km/h, then 30km/h. Now I can drive at 50km/h with only a bit of anxiety. I hope that soon I dare to reach 70 and one day I can go to the highway.

I feel so childish for being proud about that or being so scared. But I went from 0 to this since april so I guess that I should celebrate it.


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