Home Food Hey Pandas, What’s Your Partner’s Personality Quirk That Makes Them The One...

Hey Pandas, What’s Your Partner’s Personality Quirk That Makes Them The One You Love?

That weird thing you hooman does that makes you love them that little bit more!

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It’s not a thing he does. I’ve known him since third grade. We married other people. I was widowed, he was divorced. We met up at age 40. Like 20 years ago. He can be a test, but sometimes I look at him and see that boy in him. I love it.



When they get mad, they listen to like indie music and replay their comfort video games. They also peel oranges funny. They like stick their thumb in the middle of the skin, not at like the stem area you know? They always listen to me when im talking, I’ve had issues with that kinda thing in the past. And lastly they give me affection out of nowhere and I love it.



When he is happy or does hear music that he likes he does a stupid happy dance. It is adorable and shows how much he doesn’t care about others judging.



They are perfectly imperfect! Flaws abound, and laughs all the way through the apology/acknowledgment.



She is demure in her outward, social behavior. I’ve never met a woman more so. Like a classic movie starlet. Don’t get me wrong. She’s strong, smart and free-willed. But unlike other women in today’s world, she carries a feminine elegance, grace and charm. She’s had a rough go of it. She is Jewish and often felt like a 2nd class citizen. She moved from Belarus when she was 12, after the Chernobyl fall-out. She’s divorced from her 1st marriage with 2 children from then. And she’s widowed from her 2nd marriage with another child from him. She’s recently lost her father. Yet she remains her true self.


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