Home Food Hey Pandas, What Would Be Your Dream Date?

Hey Pandas, What Would Be Your Dream Date?

If you could have a perfect dream date what would you do?

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To have a date in the first place…lol. I’d like something where you can talk without many distractions but also in a comfortable environment. I’m a simple person, it can be a museum or just a road trip or an aquarium. I think you can tell a lot about someone by just observing and talking to them in these settings. Hopefully one day I’ll get to try it out. (I’m way to old to still have so much social anxiety but I do and it always seems strange to people).



A theme park, how fun would that be?? go to a theme part with your s/o and ride rides and eat snacks and have fun like?? yes please



The one I had with my partner. We took a walk in my town while chatting, saw the centrum, walked in the park, sat in a couple of places to have a drink. It was really fun and let us get to know each other very well. Also walking makes things less awkward for me compared to being in a table looking at each other.


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