Home Food Hey Pandas, Whats A Funny Kindergarten Story?

Hey Pandas, Whats A Funny Kindergarten Story?

Share a story of a time in kindergarten.

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I was in the same kindergarten class as my wife but we didn’t actually meet till the eighth grade been together every since 22 years



Not sure if this is funny/lazy/etc. but one time I faked sleeping during nap time so I wouldn’t have to do stuff.



I faintly remember having a debate with some other kids at my table during snack time over what the worst “bad word” was.

We agreed that “sexy” was the worst.

We were so innocent back then…



I have been a Kindergarten teacher for 15 years. No two days are alike. A few years ago I had a student come to class and wanted to show her friends her new chapstick. Just as she was about to put it on I read the label. It was not chapstick. It was Monistat. When I asked her where she got it from she said her mom’s bathroom. Needless to say, I did not let her put it on, and called mom so she could come pick it up.



I got out of line to get milk and cookies at snack time to kiss Gary Robinson and then had to stay back 10 minutes with the other naughty kids. My first kiss. I’ve always wondered where he moved to.


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