Home Food Hey Pandas, When Were You Disciplined By Your Parents Over Something Totally...

Hey Pandas, When Were You Disciplined By Your Parents Over Something Totally Innocent?

In Kindergarten I found my Fathers oil gun in the garage. Acting like it was a squirt gun I sprayed oil everywhere. Not knowing at all how it stained the garage floor. Got a whooping for that and spent days scratching kitty litter for stain removal. Had zero idea.

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I got grounded for forgetting who I was texting a few minutes prior. My friend was going to come over so I was texting her but I was also texting a group chat that I text all the time, no biggie. My mom came in a few minutes later asking who I was texting and I told her it was my friend who was coming over, which was completely correct. She then went through my phone and accused me of lying for not telling her I was also texting a gc that everyone talks on. I don’t remember every detail of my life, mom. Sorry.



There was a burning smell that runs through my nose. I tell my mom about it. Yet she said that there is nothing to be worried for and she take no actions. Later she found out that that burning smell comes from the kitchen. She forgot to turn off the stove while boiling eggs. I was scolded because I took no actions and only reporting that to my mom. She says sorry later though for her earlier behavior… I think it is important that parents also need to acknowledge their fault.


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