How to fix a car tire with a dirt-cheap c.ost, a garage employee never wants to dis.close

Below are some causes and ways to fix air leaks in car tires at a cheap, affordable cost.
Punctured by sharp objects
When detecting a steam leak problem due to puncture by a sharp object, this needs to be handled immediately. First, the driver needs to check the amount of air remaining in the tire to see if it has a minimum pressure of 190 kPa (27 Psi).

If there is not enough air, users should use a temporary pump with the correct amount of pressure as recommended by the car manufacturer for their vehicle. Then, go to a tire center to remove the object that caused the puncture from the tire and repair the tire. Users can also do this at home if they have enough tire removal equipment and specialized tire repair tools.

Khi bị vật nhọn đâm vào lốp, tài xế cần bơm lốp căng hơi tại nhà rồi lái xe đến gara sửa chữa. (Ảnh minh hoạ).When a sharp object hits the tire, the driver needs to inflate the tire at home and then drive to the garage for repair.

Tire valve is damaged
If you check around the tire surface without foreign objects penetrating the car tire, the user can judge that the air leak problem is coming from a broken tire valve. Checking whether the tire valve is damaged or not is quite simple by applying a little diluted soapy water to the valve head.

If air bubbles are detected at the tire valve position, it can almost be confirmed that the tire valve is damaged. Tire valve replacement must be done through tire technicians. The cost of replacing tire valves is quite cheap, about more than 230 Pesos for a regular type.

Because the rim is warped
If you suspect the tire is leaking air because the rim is warped, to find the source of the air leak, you can use your hand to trace the rim of the wheel or use soapy water to spray around it. contact area between the rim and tire to determine where the air is escaping from.

Regarding this issue, it will be difficult for users to handle it themselves and will require the intervention of a tire technician. They will straighten the warped or dented rim positions, then seal the contact positions between the tire and rim with rim glue.

In some urgent cases when there is a tire problem in a remote area and it is difficult to find a tire care center, users can buy an emergency self-patching car tire glue spray at prices from 180-700 Pesos. This spray bottle will inject glue directly into the tire through the tire valve to help seal air leaks caused by tire punctures.

However, it is only a temporary alternative if the vehicle does not have a spare tire available and drivers should not consider it a permanent fix. This measure will help drivers get to a safer place after a flat tire or go to the nearest garage to get help from a tire expert.

Drivers should have their tires diagnosed by experts at a tire shop or mobile tire repair service as soon as possible to ensure their tires are in good condition and can last a long time.