Hwayoung appeared with a T-ara member for the first time after a sho.cking bu.lly.ing sca.ndal, had an un.expe.cted reaction

On the afternoon of August 10, Hwayoung and Eunjung (T-ara) attended the opening ceremony of the Jecheon International Music & Film Festival 2023. Hwayoung – Eunjung, which is said to have a bad relationship, information about the two artists together. appeared at a place that made the public stir.

On the morning of August 11, a video recording the image of Hwayoung – Eunjung at Jecheon International Music & Film Festival 2023 went viral throughout social networks. In the short clip, Hwayoung applauds after the T-ara member finishes his speech on stage.

The moment Hwayoung clapped her hands after Eunjung finished her speech, causing a stir all over the internet

2 artists just attended the same event on the afternoon of August 10

In July 2012, T-ara members simultaneously shared tweets that were “openly” critical of Hwayoung, raising suspicions of bullying. During that time, the image of Hwayoung having to move in a wheelchair or being helped by someone was widely shared. In addition, many images of T-ara that acted like pinching Hwayoung were also “dug up”. From here, the former T-ara member suddenly became a victim in the eyes of many netizens.

It was not until 2017 that the truth came to light. Accordingly, the sheet Dispatch released evidence that Hwayoung deliberately pretended to have foot pain to avoid practice, acting in front of everyone to gain sympathy. And yet, stylist T-ara also accused Hwayoung of being extremely rude to the staff. Although T-ara was vindicated, the group could not regain the lost glory from the shocking bullying scandal.