My kids and I absolutely love anything fantasy-themed, and we thought it would be so much fun to have a photoshoot based on fantasy characters.
My introverted son usually doesn’t want to be in photos, happily wore the goat costume I made for him, and immediately got into character.
The goat mask was created out of paper mache and brushed out black yarn for the fur. The horns were made out of wire, tape, and paint.
I planned to take them out into nature and just let them hang out. We didn’t have a specific storyline for these images, but rather just let them interact as these characters and see what I could catch.
Adding a couple of props like the musical instrument I picked up from a local thrift store and the crown… which was actually a basket I removed the bottom of added to the images by giving them something to play around with.
We had such a great time trying to come up with more character ideas for them to play in the future. What do you think these kids should do next?
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Wind Tossed
Unimpressed Princess
Even though she was playing a character, my daughter’s true personality shines through here. For 11 years old, she can have quite the unimpressed and serious nature to her.
Looking Back
Goat And His Music
This is my 13-year-old son, usually too shy to be in my photos, but he had a blast wearing a goat mask. This instrument was the perfect choice for him; the handle is even carved in a goat-like shape!
Taking Turns
They both liked to take turns playing this instrument. It is a unique piece that was picked up from the local thrift store for $3.
The Only Time
As brother and sister, I can’t imagine any other circumstance where my son would be willing to crown his sister.
Grey Hair
Chilling In The Grass
Magical Crown
Majestic AF
Sweet But Probably Dangerous
A Pair
Listening To The Waves
Looking Up
Dancing In The Sand
Friend Or Foe?
By The Waters Edge
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