IQ Test: Which one is the TOP VIEW of the Pyramid?

Can you decipher the top view of the pyramid?

The image shows a pyramid with a square base. There are four answer choices, each labeled A, B, C, and D. Each choice shows a different geometric shape. The goal of the puzzle is to determine which geometric shape corresponds to the top view of the pyramid.

Here are some clues that might help you solve the puzzle:

  • The top view of a 3D shape reveals the shape of its flat surface. In other words, if you were to look down on the pyramid from directly above, what shape would you see?
  • Consider the base of the pyramid. The base appears square shaped in the image. How can a square base be formed by arranging smaller shapes together?

Once you have considered these clues, see if you can select the answer choice that matches the top view of the pyramid.

Answer: C